Devices & Geometry

The classes defined in superscreen.device, superscreen.geometry, and superscreen.parameter are used to set up the inputs to a SuperScreen simulation, namely:

  • The geometry and penetration depth of all superconducting films

  • The spatial distribution of the applied magnetic field



class superscreen.Device(name, *, layers, films, holes=None, terminals=None, abstract_regions=None, length_units='um', solve_dtype='float32')[source]

An object representing a device composed of one or more layers of thin film superconductor.

property length_units: str

Length units used for the device geometry.

property solve_dtype: dtype

Numpy dtype to use for floating point numbers.


Returns list of all Polygons in the device.


include_terminals (bool) – Include transport terminals in the list.

Return type:



A list of all Polygons in the device.

property poly_points: ndarray

Shape (n, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates of all Polygons in the Device.


Returns a dict of {layer_name: list of polygons in layer}.


polygon_type (Optional[Literal['film', 'hole', 'abstract', 'terminal', 'all']]) – One of ‘film’, ‘hole’, ‘abstract’, ‘terminal’, or ‘all’, specifying which types of polygons to include.

Return type:

Dict[str, List[Polygon]]


A dict of {layer_name: list of polygons in layer of the given type}.


Generates a mapping of films to holes contained in the film.

Return type:

Dict[str, List[Polygon]]


A dict of {film_name: list of holes in the film}.

copy(with_mesh=True, copy_mesh=False)[source]

Copy this Device to create a new one.

  • with_mesh (bool) – Whether to shallow copy the meshes dictionary.

  • copy_mesh (bool) – Whether to deepcopy the arrays defining the mesh.

Return type:



A new Device instance, copied from self

scale(xfact=1, yfact=1, origin=(0, 0))[source]

Returns a new device with polygons scaled horizontally and/or vertically.

Negative xfact (yfact) can be used to reflect the device horizontally (vertically) about the origin.

  • xfact (float) – Factor by which to scale the device horizontally.

  • yfact (float) – Factor by which to scale the device vertically.

  • origin (Tuple[float, float]) – (x, y) coorindates of the origin.

Return type:



The scaled superscreen.Device.

rotate(degrees, origin=(0, 0))[source]

Returns a new device with polygons rotated a given amount counterclockwise about specified origin.

  • degrees (float) – The amount by which to rotate the polygons.

  • origin (Tuple[float, float]) – (x, y) coorindates of the origin.

Return type:



The rotated superscreen.Device.


Returns a new device with its layers mirrored about the plane z = about_z.


about_z (float) – The z-position of the plane (parallel to the x-y plane) about which to mirror the layers.

Return type:



The mirrored superscreen.Device.

translate(dx=0, dy=0, dz=0, inplace=False)[source]

Translates the device polygons, layers, and meshes in space by a given amount.

  • dx (float) – Distance by which to translate along the x-axis.

  • dy (float) – Distance by which to translate along the y-axis.

  • dz (float) – Distance by which to translate layers along the z-axis.

  • inplace (bool) – If True, modifies the device (self) in-place and returns None, otherwise, creates a new device, translates it, and returns it.

Return type:



The translated device.

translation(dx, dy, dz=0)[source]

A context manager that temporarily translates a device in-place, then returns it to its original position.

  • dx (float) – Distance by which to translate polygons along the x-axis.

  • dy (float) – Distance by which to translate polygons along the y-axis.

  • dz (float) – Distance by which to translate layers along the z-axis.

make_mesh(buffer_factor=0.05, buffer=None, join_style='round', min_points=None, max_edge_length=None, preserve_boundary=False, smooth=0, **meshpy_kwargs)[source]

Generates the triangular mesh for each film and stores them in the self.meshes dictionary.

The arguments buffer_factor, buffer, min_points, max_edge_length, and smooth can be specified either as a single value for all films or as a dict of {film_name: argument_value}.

  • buffer_factor (Union[float, Dict[str, float], None]) – Buffer for the film bounding box(es), in units of the maximum film dimension. This argument is ignored if buffer is not None.

  • buffer (Union[float, Dict[str, float], None]) – Buffer for the film bounding box(es), in length_units.

  • join_style (str) – The join style for the buffered region (see superscreen.Polygon.buffer()).

  • min_points (Union[int, Dict[str, int], None]) – Minimum number of vertices in the mesh. If None, then the number of vertices will be determined by meshpy_kwargs and the number of vertices in the underlying polygons.

  • max_edge_length (Union[float, Dict[str, float], None]) – The maximum distance between vertices in the resulting mesh.

  • preserve_boundary (bool) – Do not add any mesh sites to the boundary.

  • smooth (Union[int, Dict[str, int]]) – Number of Laplacian smoothing iterations to perform.

  • **meshpy_kwargs – Passed to

Return type:



An array of boundary vertex indices, ordered counterclockwise.


film (str) – The name of the film for which to find boundary indices.

Return type:



An array of indices for vertices that are on the film boundary, ordered counterclockwise.


Returns a dictionary of information about all meshes.

Return type:

Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[int, float]]]]


When called with in Jupyter notebook, displays a table of information about the mesh.


precision (int) – Number of digits after the decimal for float values.

Return type:



An HTML table of mesh statistics.

mutual_inductance_matrix(hole_polygon_mapping=None, units='pH', all_iterations=False, progress_bar=False, **solve_kwargs)[source]

Calculates the mutual inductance matrix \(\mathbf{M}\) for the Device.

\(\mathbf{M}\) is defined such that element \(M_{ij}\) is the mutual inductance \(\Phi^f_{S_i} / I_j\) between hole \(j\) and polygon \(S_{i}\), which encloses hole \(i\). \(\Phi^f_{S_i}\) is the fluxoid for polygon \(S_i\) and \(I_j\) is the current circulating around hole \(j\).

  • hole_polygon_mapping (Optional[Dict[str, ndarray]]) – A dict of {hole_name: polygon_coordinates} specifying a mapping between holes in the device and polygons enclosing those holes, for which the fluxoid will be calculated. The length of this dict, n_holes, will determine the dimension of the square mutual inductance matrix \(M\).

  • units (str) – The units in which to report the mutual inductance.

  • all_iterations (bool) – Whether to return mutual inductance matrices for all iterations + 1 solutions, or just the final solution.

  • progress_bar (bool) – Display a progress bar.

  • solve_kwargs – Keyword arguments passed to superscreen.solve.solve(), e.g. iterations.

Return type:

Union[ndarray, List[ndarray]]


If all_iterations is False, returns a shape (n_holes, n_holes) mutual inductance matrix from the final iteration. Otherwise, returns a list of mutual inductance matrices, each with shape (n_holes, n_holes). The length of the list is 1 if the device has a single layer, or iterations + 1 if the device has multiple layers.

plot_polygons(ax=None, subplots=False, legend=False, figsize=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot all of the Device’s polygons.

  • ax (Optional[Axes]) – matplotlib axis on which to plot. If None, a new figure is created.

  • subplots (bool) – If True, plots each film on a different subplot.

  • legend (bool) – Whether to add a legend.

  • figsize (Optional[Tuple[float, float]]) – matplotlib figsize, only used if ax is None.

  • kwargs – Passed to ax.plot() for the polygon boundaries.

Return type:

Tuple[Figure, Axes]


Matplotlib Figure and Axes

plot_mesh(ax=None, subplots=False, figsize=None, show_sites=False, show_edges=True, site_color=None, edge_color=None, linewidth=0.75, linestyle='-', marker='.')[source]

Plot all of the Device’s meshes.

  • ax (Optional[Axes]) – matplotlib axis on which to plot. If None, a new figure is created.

  • subplots (bool) – If True, plots each film on a different subplot.

  • figsize (Optional[Tuple[float, float]]) – matplotlib figsize, only used if ax is None.

  • show_sites (bool) – Whether to show the mesh sites.

  • show_edges (bool) – Whether to show the mesh edges.

  • site_color (Union[str, Sequence[float], None]) – The color for the sites.

  • edge_color (Union[str, Sequence[float], None]) – The color for the edges.

  • linewidth (float) – The line width for all edges.

  • linestyle (str) – The line style for all edges.

  • marker (str) – The marker to use for the mesh sites.

Return type:

Tuple[Figure, Axes]


Matplotlib Figure and Axes


Returns a dict of {layer_name: {film_name: PathPatch}} for visualizing the device. `

Return type:

Dict[str, Dict[str, PathPatch]]

draw(ax=None, subplots=False, max_cols=3, legend=False, figsize=None, alpha=0.5, exclude=None, layer_order='increasing')[source]

Draws all polygons in the device as matplotlib patches.

  • ax (Optional[Axes]) – matplotlib axis on which to plot. If None, a new figure is created.

  • subplots (bool) – If True, plots each layer on a different subplot.

  • max_cols (int) – The maximum number of columns to create if subplots is True.

  • legend (bool) – Whether to add a legend.

  • figsize (Optional[Tuple[float, float]]) – matplotlib figsize, only used if ax is None.

  • alpha (float) – The alpha (opacity) value for the patches (0 <= alpha <= 1).

  • exclude (Union[str, List[str], None]) – A polygon name or list of polygon names to exclude from the figure.

  • layer_order (str) – If "increasing" ("decreasing") draw polygons in increasing (decreasing) order by layer height layer.z0.

Return type:

Tuple[Figure, Union[Axes, ndarray]]


Matplotlib Figre and Axes.

to_hdf5(path_or_group, save_mesh=True, compress=True)[source]

Serializes the Device to and HDF5 file.

  • path_or_group (Union[PathLike, Group]) – Path to an HDF5 file to create, or an open HD5F file.

  • save_mesh (bool) – Whether to save the full mesh to file.

  • compress (bool) – Save the minimum amount of data needed to recreate the mesh.

Return type:


static from_hdf5(path_or_group)[source]

Loads a Device from an HDF5 file.


path_or_group (Union[PathLike, Group]) – Path to an HDF5 file to read, or an open HD5F file.

Return type:



The deserialized Device.


class superscreen.Layer(name, Lambda=None, london_lambda=None, thickness=None, z0=0)[source]

A single layer of a superconducting device.

You can provide either an effective penetration depth Lambda, or both a London penetration depth (lambda_london) and a layer thickness. Lambda and london_lambda can either be real numers or instances of superscreen.Parameter which compute the penetration depth as a function of position.

  • name (str) – Name of the layer.

  • Lambda (Union[float, Parameter, None]) – The effective magnetic penetration depth of the superconducting film(s) in the layer.

  • thickness (Optional[float]) – Thickness of the superconducting film(s) located in the layer.

  • london_lambda (Union[float, Parameter, None]) – London penetration depth of the superconducting film(s) located in the layer.

  • z0 (float) – Vertical location of the layer.

property Lambda: float | Parameter

Effective penetration depth of the superconductor.


class superscreen.Polygon(name=None, *, layer=None, points)[source]

A simply-connected polygon located in a Layer.

property points: ndarray

A shape (n, 2) array of counter-clockwise-oriented polygon vertices.

property is_valid: bool

True if the superscreen.Polygon has a name and layer its geometry is valid.

property area: float

The area of the polygon.

property extents: Tuple[float, float]

Returns the total x, y extent of the polygon, (Delta_x, Delta_y).

property polygon: Polygon

A shapely superscreen.Polygon representing the superscreen.Polygon

property path: Path

A matplotlib.path.Path representing the polygon boundary.


Sets the Polygon’s name and returns self.


name (Optional[str]) – The new name for the superscreen.Polygon

Return type:





Sets the Polygon’s layer and returns self.


layer (Optional[str]) – The new layer for the superscreen.Polygon

Return type:




contains_points(points, index=False, radius=0)[source]

Determines whether points lie within the polygon.

  • points (ndarray) – Shape (n, 2) array of x, y coordinates.

  • index (bool) – If True, then return the indices of the points in points that lie within the polygon. Otherwise, returns a shape (n, ) boolean array.

  • radius (float) – An additional margin on self.path. See matplotlib.path.Path.contains_points().

Return type:

Union[bool, ndarray]


If index is True, returns the indices of the points in points that lie within the polygon. Otherwise, returns a shape (n, ) boolean array indicating whether each point lies within the polygon.

on_boundary(points, radius=0.001, index=False)[source]

Determines whether points lie within a given radius of the Polygon boundary.

  • points (ndarray) – Shape (n, 2) array of x, y coordinates.

  • radius (float) – Points within radius of the boundary are considered to lie on the boundary.

  • index (bool) – If True, then return the indices of the points in points that lie on the boundary. Otherwise, returns a shape (n, ) boolean array.


If index is True, returns the indices of the points in points that lie within the polygon. Otherwise, returns a shape (n, ) boolean array indicating whether each point lies within the polygon.

make_mesh(min_points=None, max_edge_length=None, convex_hull=False, smooth=0, build_operators=False, **meshpy_kwargs)[source]

Creates a Mesh for the polygon.

  • min_points (Optional[int]) – Minimum number of vertices in the mesh. If None, then the number of vertices will be determined by meshpy_kwargs and the number of vertices in the underlying polygons.

  • max_edge_length (Optional[float]) – The maximum distance between vertices in the resulting mesh.

  • convex_hull (bool) – If True, then the entire convex hull of the polygon (minus holes) will be meshed. Otherwise, only the polygon interior is meshed.

  • smooth (int) – Number of Laplacian smoothing steps to perform.

  • build_operators (bool) – Whether to build the superscreen.device.MeshOperators for the mesh.

  • **meshpy_kwargs – Passed to

Return type:


rotate(degrees, origin=(0.0, 0.0), inplace=False)[source]

Rotates the polygon counterclockwise by a given angle.

  • degrees (float) – The amount by which to rotate the polygon.

  • origin (Union[str, Tuple[float, float]]) – (x, y) coorindates about which to rotate, or the strings “center” (for the bounding box center) or “centroid” (for the polygon center of mass).

  • inplace (bool) – If True, modify the polygon in place. Otherwise, return a modified copy.

Return type:



The rotated polygon.

translate(dx=0.0, dy=0.0, inplace=False)[source]

Translates the polygon by a given distance.

  • dx (float) – Distance by which to translate along the x-axis.

  • dy (float) – Distance by which to translate along the y-axis.

  • inplace (bool) – If True, modify the polygon in place. Otherwise, return a modified copy.

Return type:



The translated polygon.

scale(xfact=1.0, yfact=1.0, origin=(0, 0), inplace=False)[source]

Scales the polygon horizontally by xfact and vertically by yfact.

Negative xfact (yfact) can be used to reflect the polygon horizontally (vertically) about the origin.

  • xfact (float) – Distance by which to translate along the x-axis.

  • yfact (float) – Distance by which to translate along the y-axis.

  • origin (Union[str, Tuple[float, float]]) – (x, y) coorindates for the scaling origin, or the strings “center” (for the bounding box center) or “centroid” (for the polygon center of mass).

  • inplace (bool) – If True, modify the polygon in place. Otherwise, return a modified copy.

Return type:



The scaled polygon.

union(*others, name=None)[source]

Returns the union of the polygon and zero or more other polygons.

Return type:



A new Polygon instance representing the union of self and others.

intersection(*others, name=None)[source]

Returns the intersection of the polygon and zero or more other polygons.

Return type:



A new Polygon instance representing the intersection of self and others.

difference(*others, symmetric=False, name=None)[source]

Returns the difference of the polygon and zero more other polygons.

Return type:



A new Polygon instance representing the difference of self and others.

buffer(distance, join_style='mitre', mitre_limit=5.0, single_sided=True, as_polygon=True)[source]

Returns polygon points or a new superscreen.Polygon object with vertices offset from self.points by a given distance. If distance > 0 this “inflates” the polygon, and if distance < 0 this shrinks the polygon.

Return type:

Union[ndarray, Polygon]


A new superscreen.Polygon or an array of vertices offset by distance.

resample(num_points=None, degree=1, smooth=0)[source]

Resample vertices so that they are approximately uniformly distributed along the polygon boundary.

  • num_points (Optional[int]) – Number of points to interpolate to. If num_points is None, the polygon is resampled to len(self.points) points. If num_points is not None and has a boolean value of False, then an unaltered copy of the polygon is returned.

  • degree (int) – The degree of the spline with which to iterpolate. Defaults to 1 (linear spline).

  • smooth (float) – Smoothing condition.

Return type:


plot(ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plots the Polygon’s vertices.

  • ax (Optional[Axes]) – The matplotlib Axes on which to plot. If None is given, a new one is created.

  • kwargs – Passed to ax.plot().

Return type:



The matplotlib Axes.

classmethod from_union(items, *, name=None, layer=None)[source]

Creates a new Polygon from the union of a sequence of polygons.

Return type:



A new Polygon.

classmethod from_intersection(items, *, name=None, layer=None)[source]

Creates a new Polygon from the intersection of a sequence of polygons.

Return type:



A new Polygon.

classmethod from_difference(items, *, name=None, layer=None, symmetric=False)[source]

Creates a new Polygon from the difference of a sequence of polygons.

Return type:



A new Polygon.


class superscreen.Mesh(sites, elements, boundary_indices, vertex_areas, triangle_areas, edge_mesh, build_operators=True)[source]

A triangular mesh of a simply- or multiply-connected polygon.


Use Mesh.from_triangulation() to create a new mesh from a triangulation.

  • sites (Sequence[Tuple[float, float]]) – The (x, y) coordinates of the mesh vertices.

  • elements (Sequence[Tuple[int, int, int]]) – A list of triplets that correspond to the indices of he vertices that form a triangle. [[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 3]] corresponds to a triangle connecting vertices 0, 1, and 2 and another triangle connecting vertices 0, 1, and 3.

  • boundary_indices (Sequence[int]) – Indices corresponding to the boundary.

  • vertex_areas (Sequence[float]) – The areas corresponding to the sites or vertices.

  • triangle_areas (Sequence[float]) – The areas of the triangular mesh elements.

  • edge_mesh (EdgeMesh) – The edge mesh.

  • build_operators (bool) – Whether to build the superscreen.device.MeshOperators for the mesh.

property triangulation: Triangulation

Matplotlib triangulation of the mesh.


Returns a dictionary of information about the mesh.

Return type:

Dict[str, Union[int, float]]


Returns the index of the mesh site closest to (x, y).


xy (Tuple[float, float]) – A shape (2, ) or (2, 1) sequence of floats, (x, y).

Return type:



The index of the mesh site closest to (x, y).

static from_triangulation(sites, elements, build_operators=True)[source]

Create a triangular mesh from the coordinates of the triangle vertices and a list of indices corresponding to the vertices that connect to triangles.

  • sites (Sequence[Tuple[float, float]]) – The (x, y) coordinates of the mesh sites.

  • elements (Sequence[Tuple[int, int, int]]) – A list of triplets that correspond to the indices of the vertices that form a triangle. E.g. [[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 3]] corresponds to a triangle connecting vertices 0, 1, and 2 and another triangle connecting vertices 0, 1, and 3.

  • build_operators (bool) – Whether to build the superscreen.device.MeshOperators for the mesh.

Return type:



A new tdgl.finite_volume.Mesh instance

static find_boundary_indices(elements)[source]

Find the boundary vertices.


elements (ndarray) – The triangular elements.

Return type:



An array of site indices corresponding to the boundary.

smooth(iterations, build_operators=True)[source]

Perform Laplacian smoothing of the mesh, i.e., moving each interior vertex to the arithmetic average of its neighboring points.

Return type:



A new Mesh with relaxed vertex positions.

plot(ax=None, show_sites=False, show_edges=True, site_color=None, edge_color='k', linewidth=0.75, linestyle='-', marker='.')[source]

Plot the mesh.

  • ax (Optional[Axes]) – A plt.Axes instance on which to plot the mesh.

  • show_sites (bool) – Whether to show the mesh sites.

  • show_edges (bool) – Whether to show the mesh edges.

  • site_color (Union[str, Sequence[float], None]) – The color for the sites.

  • edge_color (Union[str, Sequence[float], None]) – The color for the edges.

  • linewidth (float) – The line width for all edges.

  • linestyle (str) – The line style for all edges.

  • marker (str) – The marker to use for the mesh sites.

Return type:



The resulting plt.Axes

to_hdf5(h5group, compress=True)[source]

Save the mesh to a h5py.Group.

  • h5group (Group) – The h5py.Group into which to store the mesh.

  • compress (bool) – If True, store only the sites and elements.

Return type:


static from_hdf5(h5group)[source]

Load a mesh from an HDF5 file.


h5group (Group) – The HDF5 group to load the mesh from.

Return type:



The loaded mesh.

static is_restorable(h5group)[source]

Returns True if the h5py.Group contains all of the data necessary to create a Mesh without re-computing any values.


h5group (Group) – The h5py.Group to check.

Return type:



Whether the mesh can be restored from the given group.

class superscreen.device.EdgeMesh(centers, edges, boundary_edge_indices, directions, edge_lengths)[source]

A mesh composed of the edges in a triangular mesh.


Use EdgeMesh.from_mesh() to create from an existing mesh.

static from_mesh(sites, elements)[source]

Create edge mesh from mesh.

  • sites (ndarray) – The (x, y) coordinates for the mesh vertices.

  • elements (ndarray) – Elements for the mesh.

Return type:



The edge mesh.


Save the data to a HDF5 file.


h5group (Group) – The HDF5 group to write the data to.

Return type:


classmethod from_hdf5(h5group)[source]

Load edge mesh from file.


h5group (Group) – The HDF5 group to load from.

Return type:



The loaded edge mesh.

class superscreen.device.MeshOperators(*, weights, Q, gradient_x, gradient_y, laplacian)[source]

A container for the finite element operators for a superscreen.Mesh.

  • weights (ndarray) – The mesh weights or effective vertex areas, shape (n, )

  • Q (ndarray) – The kernel matrix Q, shape (n, n)

  • gradient_x (spmatrix) – The x-gradient matrix, shape (n, n)

  • gradient_y (spmatrix) – The y-gradient matrix, shape (n, n)

  • laplacian (spmatrix) – The mesh Laplacian, shape (n, n)

static from_mesh(mesh)[source]

Construct a superscreen.device.MeshOperators instance from a superscreen.Mesh.


mesh (Mesh) – The superscreen.Mesh

Return type:



A new superscreen.device.MeshOperators instance


Returns a deep copy.

Return type:


static C_vector(points)[source]

Computes the edge vector, C:

\[\begin{split}C_i &= \frac{1}{4\pi}\sum_{p,q=\pm1}\sqrt{(\Delta x - px_i)^{-2} + (\Delta y - qy_i)^{-2}}\\ \Delta x &= \frac{1}{2}(\mathrm{max}(x) - \mathrm{min}(x))\\ \Delta y &= \frac{1}{2}(\mathrm{max}(y) - \mathrm{min}(y))\end{split}\]

See Eq. 12 in [Brandt-PRB-2005], Eq. 16 in [Kirtley-RSI-2016], and Eq. 15 in [Kirtley-SST-2016].


points (ndarray) – Shape (n, 2) array of x, y coordinates of vertices.

Return type:



Shape (n, ) array, Ci

static Q_matrix(points, weights)[source]

Computes the kernel matrix, Q:

\[Q_{ij} = (\delta_{ij}-1)q_{ij} + \delta_{ij}\frac{1}{w_{ij}}\left(C_i + \sum_{l\neq i}q_{il}w_{il}\right)\]

See Eq. 10 in [Brandt-PRB-2005], Eq. 11 in [Kirtley-RSI-2016], and Eq. 11 in [Kirtley-SST-2016].

  • points (ndarray) – Shape (n, 2) array of mesh sites.

  • weights (ndarray) – Shape (n, ) weight vector.

Return type:



Shape (n, n) array, Qij

superscreen.device.generate_mesh(poly_coords, hole_coords=None, min_points=None, max_edge_length=None, convex_hull=False, boundary=None, preserve_boundary=False, min_angle=32.5, **kwargs)[source]

Generates a Delaunay mesh for a given set of polygon vertex coordinates.

Additional keyword arguments are passed to

  • poly_coords (ndarray) – Shape (n, 2) array of polygon (x, y) coordinates.

  • hole_coords (Optional[List[ndarray]]) – A list of arrays of hole boundary coordinates.

  • min_points (Optional[int]) – The minimimum number of vertices in the resulting mesh.

  • max_edge_length (Optional[float]) – The maximum distance between interior vertices in the resulting mesh.

  • convex_hull (bool) – If True, then the entire convex hull of the polygon (minus holes) will be meshed. Otherwise, only the polygon interior is meshed.

  • boundary (Optional[ndarray]) – Shape (m, 2) (where m <= n) array of (x, y) coordinates for points on the boundary of the polygon.

  • preserve_boundary (bool) – Do not add any mesh sites to the boundary.

  • min_angle (float) – The minimum angle in the mesh’s triangles. Setting a larger value will make the triangles closer to equilateral, but the mesh generation may fail if the value is too large.

Return type:

Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]


Mesh vertex coordinates and triangle indices.

superscreen.device.smooth_mesh(points, triangles, iterations)[source]

Perform Laplacian smoothing of the mesh, i.e., moving each interior vertex to the arithmetic average of its neighboring points.

  • points (ndarray) – Shape (n, 2) array of vertex coordinates.

  • triangles (ndarray) – Shape (m, 3) array of triangle indices.

  • iterations (int) – The number of smoothing iterations to perform.

Return type:

Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]


Smoothed mesh vertex coordinates and triangle indices.



class superscreen.Parameter(func, **kwargs)[source]

A callable object that computes a scalar or vector quantity as a function of position coordinates x, y (and optionally z).

Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division between multiple Parameters and/or real numbers (ints and floats) is supported. The result of any of these operations is a CompositeParameter object.

  • func (Callable) – A callable/function that actually calculates the parameter’s value. The function must take x, y (and optionally z) as the first and only positional arguments, and all other arguments must be keyword arguments. Therefore func should have a signature like func(x, y, z, a=1, b=2, c=True), func(x, y, *, a, b, c), func(x, y, z, *, a, b, c), or func(x, y, z, *, a, b=None, c=3).

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments for func.


class superscreen.parameter.CompositeParameter(left, right, op)[source]

Bases: Parameter

A callable object that behaves like a superscreen.Parameter (i.e. it computes a scalar or vector quantity as a function of position coordinates x, y, z). A superscreen.parameter.CompositeParameter object is created as a result of mathematical operations between Parameters, CompositeParameters, and/or real numbers.

Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation between Parameters, CompositeParameters and real numbers (ints and floats) are supported. The result of any of these operations is a new superscreen.parameter.CompositeParameter object.



class superscreen.Constant(value, dimensions=2)[source]

Bases: Parameter

A Parameter whose value doesn’t depend on position.


superscreen.geometry.rotate(coords, angle_degrees)[source]

Rotates an array of (x, y) coordinates counterclockwise by the specified angle.

  • coords (ndarray) – Shape (n, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates.

  • angle_degrees (float) – The angle by which to rotate the coordinates.

Return type:



Shape (n, 2) array of rotated coordinates (x’, y’)

superscreen.geometry.translate(coords, dx, dy)[source]

Translates the given (x, y) coordinates in the palne by (dx, dy).

  • coords (ndarray) – Shape (n, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates.

  • dx (float) – Amount by which to translate in the x direction.

  • dy (float) – Amount by which to translate in the y direction.

Return type:



Shape (n, 2) array of translated coordinates (x’, y’)

superscreen.geometry.ellipse(a, b, points=100, center=(0, 0), angle=0)[source]

Returns the coordinates for an ellipse with major axis a and semimajor axis b, rotated by the specified angle about (0, 0), then translated to the specified center.

  • a (float) – Major axis length

  • b (float) – Semi-major axis length

  • points (int) – Number of points in the circle

  • center (Tuple[float, float]) – Coordinates of the center of the circle

  • angle (float) – Angle (in degrees) by which to rotate counterclockwise about (0, 0) before translating to the specified center.


A shape (points, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates, points=100, center=(0, 0))[source]

Returns the coordinates for a circle with a given radius, centered at the specified center.

  • radius (float) – Radius of the circle

  • points (int) – Number of points in the circle

  • center (Tuple[float, float]) – Coordinates of the center of the circle

Return type:



A shape (points, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates, height=None, points=101, center=(0, 0), angle=0)[source]

Returns the coordinates for a rectangle with a given width and height, centered at the specified center.

  • width (float) – Width of the rectangle (in the x direction).

  • height (Optional[float]) – Height of the rectangle (in the y direction). If None is given, then height is set to width and the function returns a square.

  • points (int) – The target number of points making up the box. The actual number of points may be slightly different than this value.

  • center (Tuple[float, float]) – Coordinates of the center of the rectangle.

  • angle (float) – Angle (in degrees) by which to rotate counterclockwise about (0, 0) after translating to the specified center.

Return type:



A shape (m, 2) or array of (x, y) coordinates.