Source code for superscreen.device.edge_mesh

from typing import Sequence, Tuple

import h5py
import numpy as np

from .utils import get_edges

[docs]class EdgeMesh: """A mesh composed of the edges in a triangular mesh. .. tip:: Use :meth:`EdgeMesh.from_mesh` to create from an existing mesh. Args: centers: The (x, y) coordinates for the edge_centers. edges: The edges as a sequence of indices. boundary_edge_indices: Edges on the boundary. directions: Directions of the edges. edge_lengths: Lengths of the edges. """ def __init__( self, centers: Sequence[Tuple[float, float]], edges: Sequence[Tuple[int, int]], boundary_edge_indices: Sequence[int], directions: Sequence[Tuple[float, float]], edge_lengths: Sequence[float], ): self.centers = np.asarray(centers) self.edges = np.asarray(edges) self.boundary_edge_indices = np.asarray(boundary_edge_indices, dtype=np.int64) self.directions = np.asarray(directions) self.edge_lengths = np.asarray(edge_lengths)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_mesh(sites: np.ndarray, elements: np.ndarray) -> "EdgeMesh": """Create edge mesh from mesh. Args: sites: The (x, y) coordinates for the mesh vertices. elements: Elements for the mesh. Returns: The edge mesh. """ edges, is_boundary = get_edges(elements) # Get the indices of the boundary edges boundary_edge_indices = np.where(is_boundary)[0] # Shape (m, 2, 2), (sites, edges, spatial dimensions) edge_coords = sites[edges] edge_centers = edge_coords.mean(axis=1) directions = np.diff(edge_coords, axis=1).squeeze() edge_lengths = np.linalg.norm(directions, axis=1) return EdgeMesh( edge_centers, edges, boundary_edge_indices, directions, edge_lengths, )
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, h5group: h5py.Group) -> None: """Save the data to a HDF5 file. Args: h5group: The HDF5 group to write the data to. """ h5group["centers"] = self.centers h5group["edges"] = self.edges h5group["boundary_edge_indices"] = self.boundary_edge_indices h5group["directions"] = self.directions h5group["edge_lengths"] = self.edge_lengths
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, h5group: h5py.Group) -> "EdgeMesh": """Load edge mesh from file. Args: h5group: The HDF5 group to load from. Returns: The loaded edge mesh. """ if not ( "centers" in h5group and "edges" in h5group and "boundary_edge_indices" in h5group and "directions" in h5group and "edge_lengths" in h5group ): raise IOError("Could not load edge mesh due to missing data.") return EdgeMesh( centers=np.array(h5group["centers"]), edges=np.array(h5group["edges"], dtype=np.int64), boundary_edge_indices=np.array(h5group["boundary_edge_indices"], np.int64), directions=np.array(h5group["directions"]), edge_lengths=np.array(h5group["edge_lengths"]), )
def copy(self) -> "EdgeMesh": return EdgeMesh( centers=self.centers.copy(), edges=self.edges.copy(), boundary_edge_indices=self.boundary_edge_indices.copy(), directions=self.directions.copy(), edge_lengths=self.edge_lengths.copy(), )