Source code for superscreen.visualization

import itertools
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pint
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider import make_axes_locatable
from scipy import interpolate

from .device.mesh import Mesh
from .solution import InterpolatorType, Solution
from .solver import convert_field

def non_gui_backend():
    """A contextmanager that temporarily uses a non-GUI backend for matplotlib."""
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
            "ignore", category=UserWarning, message="Matplotlib is currently using agg"
            old_backend = mpl.get_backend()

[docs]def auto_range_iqr( data_array: np.ndarray, cutoff_percentile: Union[float, Tuple[float, float]] = 1, ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Get the min and max range of the provided array that excludes outliers following the IQR rule. This function computes the inter-quartile-range (IQR), defined by Q3-Q1, i.e. the percentiles for 75 and 25 percent of the distribution. The region without outliers is defined by [Q1-1.5*IQR, Q3+1.5*IQR]. Taken from `qcodes < 6c8f7202f6b6fca4884bfc0f6e1e9a6564628d75/qcodes/utils/>`_. Args: data_array: Array of arbitrary dimension containing the statistical data. cutoff_percentile: Percentile of data that may maximally be clipped on both sides of the distribution. If given a tuple (a, b) the percentile limits will be a and 100-b. Returns: vmin, vmax """ if isinstance(cutoff_percentile, tuple): bottom, top = cutoff_percentile else: bottom = cutoff_percentile top = 100 - bottom z = data_array.flatten() zmax = np.nanmax(z) zmin = np.nanmin(z) zrange = zmax - zmin pmin, q3, q1, pmax = np.nanpercentile(z, [bottom, 75, 25, top]) iqr = q3 - q1 # handle corner case of all data zero, such that IQR is zero # to counter numerical artifacts do not test IQR == 0, but IQR on its # natural scale (zrange) to be smaller than some very small number. # also test for zrange to be 0.0 to avoid division by 0. if zrange == 0.0 or iqr / zrange < 1e-8: vmin = zmin vmax = zmax else: vmin = max(q1 - 1.5 * iqr, zmin) vmax = min(q3 + 1.5 * iqr, zmax) vmin = min(vmin, pmin) vmax = max(vmax, pmax) return vmin, vmax
[docs]def auto_grid( num_plots: int, max_cols: int = 3, delaxes: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, np.ndarray]: """Creates a grid of at least ``num_plots`` subplots with at most ``max_cols`` columns. Additional keyword arguments are passed to plt.subplots(). Args: num_plots: Total number of plots that will be populated. max_cols: Maximum number of columns in the grid. delaxes: Whether to remove unused axes. Returns: matplotlib figure and axes """ ncols = min(max_cols, num_plots) nrows = int(np.ceil(num_plots / ncols)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, **kwargs) if not isinstance(axes, (list, np.ndarray)): axes = np.array([axes]) if delaxes: flat_axes = list(axes.flat) for ax in flat_axes[num_plots:]: fig.delaxes(ax) return fig, axes
[docs]def grids_to_vecs( xgrid: np.ndarray, ygrid: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Extracts coordinate vectors from 2D meshgrids. Args: xgrid: meshgrid of x coordinates ygrid: meshgrid of y coordinates Returns: vector of x coordinates, vector of y coordinates """ return xgrid[0, :], ygrid[:, 0]
[docs]def setup_color_limits( dict_of_arrays: Dict[str, np.ndarray], vmin: Optional[float] = None, vmax: Optional[float] = None, share_color_scale: bool = False, symmetric_color_scale: bool = False, auto_range_cutoff: Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]]: """Set up color limits (vmin, vmax) for a dictionary of numpy arrays. Args: dict_of_arrays: Dict of ``{name: array}`` for which to compute color limits. vmin: If provided, this vmin will be used for all arrays. If vmin is not None, then vmax must also not be None. vmax: If provided, this vmax will be used for all arrays. If vmax is not None, then vmin must also not be None. share_color_scale: Whether to force all arrays to share the same color scale. This option is ignored if vmin and vmax are provided. symmetric_color_scale: Whether to use a symmetric color scale (vmin = -vmax). This option is ignored if vmin and vmax are provided. auto_range_cutoff: Cutoff percentile for ``auto_range_iqr``. Returns: A dict of ``{name: (vmin, vmax)}`` """ if (vmin is not None and vmax is None) or (vmax is not None and vmin is None): raise ValueError("If either vmin or max is provided, both must be provided.") if vmin is not None: return {name: (vmin, vmax) for name in dict_of_arrays} if auto_range_cutoff is None: clims = { name: (np.nanmin(array), np.nanmax(array)) for name, array in dict_of_arrays.items() } else: clims = { name: auto_range_iqr(array, cutoff_percentile=auto_range_cutoff) for name, array in dict_of_arrays.items() } if share_color_scale: # All subplots share the same color scale global_vmin = np.inf global_vmax = -np.inf for vmin, vmax in clims.values(): global_vmin = min(vmin, global_vmin) global_vmax = max(vmax, global_vmax) clims = {name: (global_vmin, global_vmax) for name in dict_of_arrays} if symmetric_color_scale: # Set vmin = -vmax new_clims = {} for name, (vmin, vmax) in clims.items(): new_vmax = max(vmax, -vmin) new_clims[name] = (-new_vmax, new_vmax) clims = new_clims return clims
def make_lims(vals: np.ndarray, buffer: float = 0.0) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Create axis limits with a buffer. Args: vals: The axis coordinates buffer: Axis limit buffer in units of the peak-to-peak of the coordinates. Returns: vmin, vmax """ vmin = np.min(vals) vmax = np.max(vals) dv = vmax - vmin return vmin - buffer * dv, vmax + buffer * dv
[docs]def cross_section( dataset_coords: np.ndarray, dataset_values: np.ndarray, cross_section_coords: Union[np.ndarray, Sequence[np.ndarray]], interp_method: InterpolatorType = "linear", ) -> Tuple[List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray]]: """Takes a cross-section of the specified dataset values along a path given by the given dataset coordinates. Args: dataset_coords: A shape (n, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates for the dataset. dataset_values: A shape (n, ) array of dataset values of which to take a cross-section. cross_section_coords: A shape (m, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates specifying the cross-section path (or a list of such arrays for multiple cross sections). interp_method: The interpolation method to use: "linear" or "cubic". Returns: A list of coordinate arrays, a list of curvilinear coordinate (path) arrays, and a list of cross section values. """ valid_methods = ("linear", "cubic") if interp_method not in valid_methods: raise ValueError( f"Interpolation method must be one of {valid_methods} " f"(got {interp_method})." ) interpolator = { "linear": interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator, "cubic": interpolate.CloughTocher2DInterpolator, }[interp_method] if not (isinstance(cross_section_coords, Sequence)): cross_section_coords = [cross_section_coords] cross_section_coords = [np.asarray(c) for c in cross_section_coords] for i, arr in enumerate(cross_section_coords): if arr.ndim != 2 or arr.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError( f"Invalid shape for coordinate array {i}: {arr.shape}. " f"Coordinate arrays must have shape (n, 2)." ) # Calculcate curvilinear cross section coordinates paths = [] for c in cross_section_coords: path = np.cumsum(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(c, axis=0) ** 2, axis=1))) paths.append(np.concatenate([[0], path], axis=0)) # Calculate cross sections. cross_sections = [] mask = np.isfinite(dataset_values) z_interp = interpolator(dataset_coords[mask], dataset_values[mask]) for c in cross_section_coords: cross_sections.append(z_interp(c[:, 0], c[:, 1])) return cross_section_coords, paths, cross_sections
[docs]def plot_streams( solution: Solution, films: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, units: Optional[str] = None, max_cols: int = 3, cmap: str = "coolwarm", colorbar: bool = True, shading: Literal["flat", "gouraud"] = "flat", auto_range_cutoff: Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]] = None, share_color_scale: bool = False, symmetric_color_scale: bool = True, vmin: Optional[float] = None, vmax: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, np.ndarray]: """Plots the stream function for multiple layers in a Device. Additional keyword arguments are passed to plt.subplots(). Args: solution: The Solution from which to extract stream functions. films: Name(s) of films(s) for which to plot the stream function. By default, the stream function is plotted for all films in the Device. units: Units in which to plot the stream function. Defaults to solution.current_units. max_cols: Maximum number of columns in the grid of subplots. cmap: Name of the matplotlib colormap to use. colorbar: Whether to add a colorbar to each subplot. shading: May be ``"flat"`` or ``"gouraud"``. The latter does some interpolation. auto_range_cutoff: Cutoff percentile for ``auto_range_iqr``. share_color_scale: Whether to force all layers to use the same color scale. symmetric_color_scale: Whether to use a symmetric color scale (vmin = -vmax). vmin: Color scale minimum to use for all layers vmax: Color scale maximum to use for all layers Returns: matplotlib figure and axes """ device = solution.device meshes = device.meshes length_units = device.ureg(device.length_units).units units = units or solution.current_units if isinstance(units, str): units = device.ureg(units).units if films is None: films = list(device.films) if isinstance(films, str): films = [films] fig, axes = auto_grid(len(films), max_cols=max_cols, **kwargs) streams = {} for film in films: stream = solution.film_solutions[film].stream stream = stream * device.ureg(solution.current_units) streams[film] = clim_dict = setup_color_limits( streams, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, share_color_scale=share_color_scale, symmetric_color_scale=symmetric_color_scale, auto_range_cutoff=auto_range_cutoff, ) used_axes = [] for ax, film in zip(fig.axes, films): stream = streams[film] mesh = meshes[film] film_vmin, film_vmax = clim_dict[film] norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=film_vmin, vmax=film_vmax) x = mesh.sites[:, 0] y = mesh.sites[:, 1] tri = mesh.elements im = ax.tripcolor( x, y, stream, triangles=tri, shading=shading, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, ) ax.set_xlabel(f"$x$ [${length_units:~L}$]") ax.set_ylabel(f"$y$ [${length_units:~L}$]") ax.set_title(f"$g$ ({film!r})") ax.set_aspect("equal") cbar = None if colorbar: ax_divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = ax_divider.append_axes("right", size="8%", pad="4%") cbar = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax) cbar.set_label(f"$g$ [${units:~L}$]") ax.set_xlim(*make_lims(x, buffer=0.05)) ax.set_ylim(*make_lims(y, buffer=0.05)) used_axes.append(ax) used_axes.append(ax) if cbar is not None: used_axes.append( for ax in fig.axes: if ax not in used_axes: fig.delaxes(ax) fig.tight_layout() return fig, axes
[docs]def plot_fields( solution: Solution, films: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, dataset: Literal[ "field", "self_field", "applied_field", "field_from_other_films" ] = "field", normalize: bool = False, units: Optional[str] = None, shading: Literal["flat", "gouraud"] = "flat", max_cols: int = 3, cmap: str = "cividis", colorbar: bool = True, auto_range_cutoff: Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]] = None, share_color_scale: bool = False, symmetric_color_scale: bool = False, vmin: Optional[float] = None, vmax: Optional[float] = None, cross_section_coords: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, Sequence[np.ndarray]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, np.ndarray]: """Plots the fields for one or more films in a Device. Additional keyword arguments are passed to plt.subplots(). Args: solution: The Solution from which to extract fields. films: Name(s) of films(s) for which to plot the fields. By default, the field is plotted for all films in the Device. dataset: Which set of fields to plot, either "field", "self_field", "applied_field", or "field_from_other_films". normalize: Whether to normalize the fields by the applied field. units: Units in which to plot the fields. Defaults to solution.field_units. This argument is ignored if normalize is True. shading: May be ``"flat"`` or ``"gouraud"``. The latter does some interpolation. max_cols: Maximum number of columns in the grid of subplots. cmap: Name of the matplotlib colormap to use. colorbar: Whether to add a colorbar to each subplot. auto_range_cutoff: Cutoff percentile for ``auto_range_iqr``. share_color_scale: Whether to force all layers to use the same color scale. symmetric_color_scale: Whether to use a symmetric color scale (vmin = -vmax). vmin: Color scale minimum to use for all layers vmax: Color scale maximum to use for all layers cross_section_coords: Shape (m, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates for a cross-section (or a list of such arrays). Returns: matplotlib figure and axes """ valid_datasets = ( "field", "self_field", "applied_field", "field_from_other_films", ) if dataset not in valid_datasets: raise ValueError(f"Dataset must be one of {valid_datasets!r}.") device = solution.device meshes = device.meshes # Length units from the Device length_units = device.ureg(device.length_units).units # The units the fields are currently in old_units = device.ureg(solution.field_units).units # The units we want to convert to if units is None: units = old_units if isinstance(units, str): units = device.ureg(units).units if films is None: films = list(device.films) if isinstance(films, str): films = [films] fig, axes = auto_grid(len(films), max_cols=max_cols, **kwargs) film_solutions = solution.film_solutions applied_fields = { name: fs.applied_field.copy() for name, fs in film_solutions.items() } if dataset == "field": clabel = "$H_z$" fields = {name: fs.total_field.copy() for name, fs in film_solutions.items()} elif dataset == "self_field": clabel = "$H_\\mathrm{sc}$" fields = {name: fs.self_field.copy() for name, fs in film_solutions.items()} elif dataset == "applied_field": clabel = "$H_\\mathrm{applied}$" fields = applied_fields else: clabel = "$H_\\mathrm{other}$" fields = {} zeros = None for name, fs in film_solutions.items(): other_field = fs.field_from_other_films if other_field is None: if zeros is None: zeros = np.zeros(len(applied_fields[name])) other_field = zeros fields[name] = other_field if "[mass]" in units.dimensionality: # We want flux density, B = mu0 * H clabel = "$\\mu_0$" + clabel if normalize: for film, field in fields.items(): fields[film] = fields[film] / applied_fields[film] clabel = clabel + " / $H_\\mathrm{applied}$" else: for film in films: fields[film] = convert_field( fields[film], units, old_units=old_units, ureg=device.ureg, with_units=False, ) clabel = clabel + f" [${units:~L}$]" clim_dict = setup_color_limits( fields, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, share_color_scale=share_color_scale, symmetric_color_scale=symmetric_color_scale, auto_range_cutoff=auto_range_cutoff, ) # Keep track of which axes are actually used, # and delete unused axes later used_axes = [] for ax, film in zip(fig.axes, films): field = fields[film] mesh = meshes[film] film_vmin, film_vmax = clim_dict[film] norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=film_vmin, vmax=film_vmax) x = mesh.sites[:, 0] y = mesh.sites[:, 1] tri = mesh.elements im = ax.tripcolor( x, y, field, triangles=tri, shading=shading, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, ) ax.set_title(f"{clabel.split('[')[0].strip()} ({film!r})") ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set_xlabel(f"$x$ [${length_units:~L}$]") ax.set_ylabel(f"$y$ [${length_units:~L}$]") ax.set_xlim(*make_lims(x, buffer=0.05)) ax.set_ylim(*make_lims(y, buffer=0.05)) used_axes.append(ax) if cross_section_coords is not None: ax_divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = ax_divider.append_axes("bottom", size="40%", pad="30%") coords, paths, cross_sections = cross_section( np.stack([x, y]).T, field, cross_section_coords=cross_section_coords, ) for i, (coord, path, cross) in enumerate( zip(coords, paths, cross_sections) ): color = f"C{i % 10}" ax.plot(*coord.T, "--", color=color, lw=2) ax.plot(*coord[0], "o", color=color) ax.plot(*coord[-1], "s", color=color) cax.plot(path, cross, color=color, lw=2) cax.plot(path[0], cross[0], "o", color=color) cax.plot(path[-1], cross[-1], "s", color=color) cax.grid(True) cax.set_xlabel(f"Distance along cut [${length_units:~L}$]") cax.set_ylabel(clabel) used_axes.append(cax) if colorbar: cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax, orientation="vertical") cbar.set_label(clabel) used_axes.append( for ax in fig.axes: if ax not in used_axes: fig.delaxes(ax) return fig, axes
[docs]def plot_currents( solution: Solution, films: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, units: Optional[str] = None, max_cols: int = 3, cmap: str = "inferno", colorbar: bool = True, shading: Literal["flat", "gouraud"] = "flat", auto_range_cutoff: Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]] = None, share_color_scale: bool = False, symmetric_color_scale: bool = False, vmin: Optional[float] = None, vmax: Optional[float] = None, streamplot: bool = True, grid_shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]] = (200, 200), min_stream_amp: float = 0.025, cross_section_coords: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, Sequence[np.ndarray]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, np.ndarray]: """Plots the sheet current density for one or more films in a Device. Additional keyword arguments are passed to plt.subplots(). Args: solution: The Solution from which to extract sheet current. films: Name(s) of film(s) for which to plot the sheet current. By default, the sheet current is plotted for all films in the Device. units: Units in which to plot the current density. Defaults to solution.current_units / solution.device.length_units. max_cols: Maximum number of columns in the grid of subplots. cmap: Name of the matplotlib colormap to use. colorbar: Whether to add a colorbar to each subplot. shading: May be ``"flat"`` or ``"gouraud"``. The latter does some interpolation. auto_range_cutoff: Cutoff percentile for ``auto_range_iqr``. share_color_scale: Whether to force all layers to use the same color scale. symmetric_color_scale: Whether to use a symmetric color scale (vmin = -vmax). vmin: Color scale minimum to use for all layers (ignored if share_color_scale is True). vmax: Color scale maximum to use for all layers (ignored if share_color_scale is True). streamplot: Whether to overlay current streamlines on the plot. grid_shape: Shape of the rectangular grid used to contruct streamlines. If a single integer N is given, the grid will be square, shape = (N, N). min_stream_amp: Streamlines will not be drawn anywhere the current density is less than min_stream_amp * max(current_density). This avoids streamlines being drawn where there is no current flowing. cross_section_coords: Shape (m, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates for a cross-section (or a list of such arrays). Returns: matplotlib figure and axes """ device = solution.device length_units = device.ureg(device.length_units).units old_units = device.ureg(f"{solution.current_units} / {device.length_units}").units units = units or old_units if isinstance(units, str): units = device.ureg(units).units if films is None: films = list(device.films) if isinstance(films, str): films = [films] if isinstance(grid_shape, int): grid_shape = (grid_shape, grid_shape) fig, axes = auto_grid(len(films), max_cols=max_cols, **kwargs) jcs = {} Js = {} for film_name, film_solution in solution.film_solutions.items(): jc = film_solution.current_density jc = (jc * old_units).to(units).magnitude jcs[film_name] = jc Js[film_name] = np.linalg.norm(jc, axis=1) clabel = "$|\\,\\vec{J}\\,|$" + f" [${units:~L}$]" clim_dict = setup_color_limits( Js, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, share_color_scale=share_color_scale, symmetric_color_scale=symmetric_color_scale, auto_range_cutoff=auto_range_cutoff, ) # Keep track of which axes are actually used, # and delete unused axes later used_axes = [] holes_by_film = device.holes_by_film() for ax, film_name in zip(fig.axes, films): film = device.films[film_name] Jx, Jy = jcs[film_name].T J = Js[film_name] mesh = device.meshes[film_name] x, y = mesh.sites.T tri = mesh.elements layer_vmin, layer_vmax = clim_dict[film_name] norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=layer_vmin, vmax=layer_vmax) im = ax.tripcolor(x, y, J, triangles=tri, shading=shading, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) ax.set_title(f"{clabel.split('[')[0].strip()} ({film_name})") ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set_xlabel(f"$x$ [${length_units:~L}$]") ax.set_ylabel(f"$y$ [${length_units:~L}$]") ax.set_xlim(*make_lims(x, buffer=0.05)) ax.set_ylim(*make_lims(y, buffer=0.05)) used_axes.append(ax) if cross_section_coords is not None: ax_divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = ax_divider.append_axes("bottom", size="40%", pad="30%") coords, paths, cross_sections = cross_section( np.array([x, y]).T, J, cross_section_coords ) for i, (coord, path, cross) in enumerate( zip(coords, paths, cross_sections) ): cross[~film.contains_points(coord)] *= 0 color = f"C{i % 10}" ax.plot(*coord.T, "--", color=color, lw=2) ax.plot(*coord[0], "o", color=color) ax.plot(*coord[-1], "s", color=color) cax.plot(path, cross, color=color, lw=2) cax.plot(path[0], cross[0], "o", color=color) cax.plot(path[-1], cross[-1], "s", color=color) cax.grid(True) cax.set_xlabel(f"Distance along cut [${length_units:~L}$]") cax.set_ylabel(clabel) used_axes.append(cax) if streamplot: xy = np.array([x, y]).T xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), grid_shape[1]), np.linspace(y.min(), y.max(), grid_shape[0]), ) # Create masks to set the current density to zero in holes # and outside of films. coords = np.array([xgrid.ravel(), ygrid.ravel()]).T film_mask = film.contains_points(coords) for hole in holes_by_film[film_name]: film_mask = film_mask & ~hole.contains_points(coords) film_mask = film_mask.reshape(xgrid.shape) Jx_grid = interpolate.griddata(xy, Jx, (xgrid, ygrid), method="linear") Jy_grid = interpolate.griddata(xy, Jy, (xgrid, ygrid), method="linear") Jx_grid[~film_mask] = np.nan Jy_grid[~film_mask] = np.nan J_grid = np.sqrt(Jx_grid**2 + Jy_grid**2) if min_stream_amp is not None: cutoff = np.nanmax(J_grid) * min_stream_amp Jx_grid[J_grid < cutoff] = np.nan Jy_grid[J_grid < cutoff] = np.nan ax.streamplot( xgrid, ygrid, Jx_grid, Jy_grid, color="w", density=1, linewidth=0.75 ) if colorbar: cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax, orientation="vertical") cbar.set_label(clabel) used_axes.append( for ax in fig.axes: if ax not in used_axes: fig.delaxes(ax) return fig, axes
[docs]def plot_field_at_positions( solution: Solution, positions: Union[np.ndarray, Mesh], zs: Optional[Union[float, np.ndarray]] = None, units: Optional[str] = None, shading: Literal["flat", "gouraud"] = "gouraud", cmap: str = "cividis", colorbar: bool = True, auto_range_cutoff: Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]] = None, share_color_scale: bool = False, symmetric_color_scale: bool = False, vmin: Optional[float] = None, vmax: Optional[float] = None, cross_section_coords: Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]: """Plots the total field (either all three components or just the z component) anywhere in space. Additional keyword arguments are passed to plt.subplots(). Args: solution: The Solution from which to extract fields. positions: Shape (m, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates, or (m, 3) array of (x, y, z) coordinates at which to calculate the magnetic field. A single list like [x, y] or [x, y, z] is also allowed. zs: z coordinates at which to calculate the field. If positions has shape (m, 3), then this argument is not allowed. If zs is a scalar, then the fields are calculated in a plane parallel to the x-y plane. If zs is any array, then it must be same length as positions. units: Units in which to plot the fields. Defaults to solution.field_units. This argument is ignored if normalize is True. shading: May be ``"flat"`` or ``"gouraud"``. The latter does some interpolation. max_cols: Maximum number of columns in the grid of subplots. cmap: Name of the matplotlib colormap to use. colorbar: Whether to add a colorbar to each subplot. auto_range_cutoff: Cutoff percentile for ``auto_range_iqr``. share_color_scale: Whether to force all layers to use the same color scale. symmetric_color_scale: Whether to use a symmetric color scale (vmin = -vmax). vmin: Color scale minimum to use for all layers vmax: Color scale maximum to use for all layers cross_section_coords: Shape (m, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates for a cross-section (or a list of such arrays). Returns: matplotlib figure and axes """ device = solution.device # Length units from the Device length_units = device.ureg(device.length_units).units # The units the fields are currently in old_units = device.ureg(solution.field_units).units # The units we want to convert to if units is None: units = old_units if isinstance(units, str): units = device.ureg(units).units if isinstance(positions, Mesh): if zs is None: raise ValueError("zs must be given if positions is Mesh.") mesh = positions positions = mesh.sites triangles = mesh.elements else: triangles = None field = solution.field_at_position( positions, zs=zs, units=units, with_units=False, ) fig, ax = plt.subplots(**kwargs) x, y, *_ = positions.T clabel = f"$H_z$ [${units:~L}$]" if "[mass]" in units.dimensionality: # We want flux density, B = mu0 * H clabel = "$\\mu_0$" + clabel clim = setup_color_limits( {"field": field}, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, share_color_scale=share_color_scale, symmetric_color_scale=symmetric_color_scale, auto_range_cutoff=auto_range_cutoff, )["field"] layer_vmin, layer_vmax = clim norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=layer_vmin, vmax=layer_vmax) im = ax.tripcolor( x, y, field, triangles=triangles, shading=shading, cmap=cmap, norm=norm ) ax.set_title(f"{clabel.split('[')[0].strip()}") ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set_xlabel(f"$x$ [${length_units:~L}$]") ax.set_ylabel(f"$y$ [${length_units:~L}$]") ax.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max()) ax.set_ylim(y.min(), y.max()) if cross_section_coords is not None: ax_divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = ax_divider.append_axes("bottom", size="40%", pad="30%") coords, paths, cross_sections = cross_section( np.array([x, y]).T, field, cross_section_coords=cross_section_coords, ) for i, (coord, path, cross) in enumerate(zip(coords, paths, cross_sections)): color = f"C{i % 10}" ax.plot(*coord.T, "--", color=color, lw=2) ax.plot(*coord[0], "o", color=color) ax.plot(*coord[-1], "s", color=color) cax.plot(path, cross, color=color, lw=2) cax.plot(path[0], cross[0], "o", color=color) cax.plot(path[-1], cross[-1], "s", color=color) cax.grid(True) cax.set_xlabel(f"Distance along cut [${length_units:~L}$]") cax.set_ylabel(clabel) if colorbar: cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax, orientation="vertical") cbar.set_label(clabel) return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_mutual_inductance( M: Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]], diff: bool = False, iteration_offset: int = 0, absolute: bool = False, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, figsize: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, logy: bool = False, grid: bool = True, legend: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]: """Plot the convergence vs. iteration of a set of mutual inductance matrices, given by the output of :meth:`superscreen.Device.mutual_inductance_matrix` with ``all_iterations=True``. Args: M: A length ``m`` list of shape ``(n, n)`` mutual inductance matrices, or a shape ``(m, n, n)`` array representing the same. diff: If True, plots the difference in mutual inductance between subsequent iterations. iteration_offset: The first iteration (index in ``M``) to consider when calculating convergence. absolute: If True (and diff is True), plots the absolute change in mutual inductance vs. iteration, otherwise plots relative change. ax: Matplotlib Axes instance on which to plot. figsize: Matplotlib figure size to create if ``ax`` is None. logy: If True, sets the y axis scaling to logarithmic. grid: If True, turns on plot grid lines. legend: If True, adds a legend to the plot. kwargs: Passed to ``ax.plot()``. Returns: Matplotlib Figure and Axes. """ if isinstance(M, list): for i, item in enumerate(M): is_quantity = isinstance(item, pint.Quantity) and isinstance( item.magnitude, np.ndarray ) if not ( is_quantity or isinstance(item, np.ndarray) and item.ndim == 2 and item.shape[0] == item.shape[1] ): raise ValueError( f"Element {i} of list M is not a square array: {item!r}." ) M = np.stack(M, axis=0) if isinstance(M, pint.Quantity): units = f"${M.units:~L}$" M = M.magnitude else: units = "?" if not (isinstance(M, np.ndarray) and M.ndim == 3 and M.shape[1] == M.shape[2]): raise ValueError(f"Expected M to be a shape (m, n, n) array, but got {M!r}.") if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) else: fig = ax.figure n = M.shape[1] i0 = int(iteration_offset) iterations = np.arange(M.shape[0]) plot_kwargs = kwargs.copy() for i, j in itertools.product(range(n), repeat=2): plot_kwargs["label"] = f"$M_{{{i}{j}}}$" if diff: xs = iterations[i0 + 1 :] ys = np.abs(np.diff(M[i0:, i, j])) if not absolute: ys = ys / np.abs(M[i0 + 1 :, i, j]) ax.plot(xs, ys, **plot_kwargs) else: xs = iterations[i0:] ax.plot(xs, M[i0:, i, j], **plot_kwargs) if logy: ax.set_yscale("log") if grid: ax.grid(True) if legend: ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc="upper left") if diff: ylabel = "$\\Delta M_{{ij, k}}$" if absolute: title = "$\\Delta M_{{ij, k}} = |M_{{ij, k}} - M_{{ij, k-1}}|$" ylabel = ylabel + f" [{units}]" else: title = ( "$\\Delta M_{{ij, k}} = " "\\frac{{|M_{{ij, k}} - M_{{ij, k-1}}|}}{{|M_{{ij, k}}|}}$" ) ax.set_title(title) else: ylabel = f"$M_{{ij, k}}$ [{units}]" ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_xlabel("Iteration, $k$") return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_polygon_flux( solutions: List[Solution], diff: bool = False, iteration_offset: int = 0, absolute: bool = False, units: Optional[str] = None, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None, figsize: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, logy: bool = False, grid: bool = True, legend: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]: """Plot the convergence vs. iteration of the flux through all polygons in a Device, given by the output of :meth:`superscreen.solve()` Args: solutions: A list of ``Solutions``, one per solve iteration. diff: If True, plots the difference in flux between subsequent iterations. iteration_offset: The first iteration (index in ``solutions``) to consider when calculating convergence. absolute: If True (and diff is True), plots the absolute change in flux vs. iteration, otherwise plots relative change. units: The flux units to display if ``absolute`` is True. ax: Matplotlib Axes instance on which to plot. figsize: Matplotlib figure size to create if ``ax`` is None. logy: If True, sets the y axis scaling to logarithmic. grid: If True, turns on plot grid lines. legend: If True, adds a legend to the plot. kwargs: Passed to ``ax.plot()``. Returns: Matplotlib Figure and Axes. """ device = solutions[0].device if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) else: fig = ax.figure if units is None: units = f"{solutions[0].field_units} * {device.length_units}**2" i0 = int(iteration_offset) iterations = np.arange(len(solutions)) plot_kwargs = kwargs.copy() polygons = device.get_polygons(include_terminals=False) polygon_flux = defaultdict(list) for solution in solutions: for polygon in polygons: polygon_flux[].append( solution.polygon_flux(, units=units, with_units=False) ) units = device.ureg(units) for name, flux_vals in polygon_flux.items(): plot_kwargs["label"] = name if diff: xs = iterations[i0 + 1 :] ys = np.abs(np.diff(flux_vals[i0:])) if not absolute: ys = ys / np.abs(flux_vals[i0 + 1 :]) ax.plot(xs, ys, **plot_kwargs) else: xs = iterations[i0:] ax.plot(xs, flux_vals[i0:], **plot_kwargs) if logy: ax.set_yscale("log") if grid: ax.grid(True) if legend: ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc="upper left") if diff: ylabel = "$\\Delta\\Phi_i$" if absolute: title = "$\\Delta\\Phi_i = |\\Phi_i - \\Phi_{i-1}|$" ylabel = ylabel + f" [${units:~L}$]" else: title = "$\\Delta\\Phi_i = " "\\frac{|\\Phi_i - \\Phi_{i-1}|}{|\\Phi_{i}|}$" ax.set_title(title) else: ylabel = f"$\\Phi_i$ [${units:~L}$]" ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_xlabel("Iteration, $i$") return fig, ax
def _patch_docstring(func): other_func = getattr(Solution, func.__name__) other_func.__doc__ = ( other_func.__doc__ + "\n\n" + "\n".join( [line for line in func.__doc__.split("\n ") if "solution:" not in line] ) ) annotations = func.__annotations__.copy() _ = annotations.pop("solution", None) other_func.__annotations__.update(annotations) for func in (plot_streams, plot_currents, plot_fields, plot_field_at_positions): _patch_docstring(func)