Source code for superscreen.sources.vortex

from typing import Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from ..parameter import Parameter

def monopole(
    x: Union[float, np.ndarray],
    y: Union[float, np.ndarray],
    z: Union[float, np.ndarray],
    r0: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0),
    nPhi0: Union[int, float] = 1,
    vector: bool = False,
) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]:
    """Field :math:`\\mu_0\\vec{H}` from a monopole
    in units of ``Phi_0 / (length_units)**2``.

    .. math::

        \\mu_0\\vec{H}(\\vec{r}-\\vec{r}_0) = \\frac{n\\Phi_0}{2\\pi}

        x, y, z: Position coordinates.
        r0 Monopole position
        nPhi0: Number of flux quanta contained in the monopole.
        vector: If True, return the vector magnetic field. Otherwise, return only
            the :math:`z`-component.

        The field at the given coordinates in units of ``Phi_0 / (length_units)**2``.
    x0, y0, z0 = r0
    xp = x - x0
    yp = y - y0
    zp = z - z0
    prefactor = 1 / ((2 * np.pi) * (xp**2 + yp**2 + zp**2) ** (3 / 2))
    Hz0 = zp * prefactor
    if vector:
        Hx0 = xp * prefactor
        Hy0 = yp * prefactor
        Hz = np.stack([Hx0, Hy0, Hz0], axis=1)
        Hz = Hz0
    return nPhi0 * Hz

[docs]def MonopoleField( r0: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0), nPhi0: Union[int, float] = 1, vector: bool = False, ) -> Parameter: """Returns a Parameter that computes the z-component of the field from a monopole (monopole) located at position ``(x0, y0, z0)`` containing a total of ``nPhi0`` flux quanta. .. math:: \\mu_0H_z(\\vec{r}-\\vec{r}_0) = \\frac{n\\Phi_0}{2\\pi} \\frac{(\\vec{r}-\\vec{r}_0)\\cdot\\hat{z}}{|(\\vec{r}-\\vec{r}_0)|^3} Args: r0: Coordinates of the monopole position. nPhi0: Number of flux quanta contained in the monopole. vector: If True, return the vector magnetic field. Otherwise, return only the :math:`z`-component. Returns: A Parameter that returns the field in units of ``Phi_0 / (length_units)**2``. """ return Parameter(monopole, r0=r0, nPhi0=nPhi0, vector=vector)
VortexField = MonopoleField def pearl_vortex( x: Union[float, np.ndarray], y: Union[float, np.ndarray], z: Union[float, np.ndarray], *, xs: np.ndarray, ys: np.ndarray, Lambda: float = 0, r0: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0), nPhi0: Union[int, float] = 1, ) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """The z-component of the field from a Pearl vortex. The field from a Pearl vortex located at is computed using a Fourier transform method. For a uniform thin film lying in the :math:`x-y` plane with effective penetration depth :math:`\\Lambda` (Pearl length :math:`2\\Lambda`), the Fourier transform of the :math:`z`-component of the field from a vortex containing :math:`n` flux quanta located at the origin, :math:`x=y=z=0`, is given by: .. math:: \\mathcal{F}\\{\\mu_0H_z\\}(k_x, k_y, z) = \\frac{n\\Phi_0e^{-kz}}{1 + 2\\Lambda k}, where :math:`k=\\sqrt{k_x^2 + k_y^2}` and the quantity is in units of ``Phi_0 / (length_units)**2``, where ``length_units`` are the units of ``xs``, ``ys``, etc. The field is calculated by inverse Fourier-transforming the above expression for an :math:`x-y` plane defined by parameters ``xs`` and ``ys``, then interpolating the field to the desired coordinates. .. seealso:: References: [Pearl-APL-1964]_, [Tafuri-PRL-2004]_. .. note:: All elements of the array ``z`` must be equal. In other words, this function can only calculate the field :math:`\\mu_0H_z` evaluated at a plane parallel to the :math:`x-y` plane. Args: x, y, z: The coordinates at which to calculcate the field. r0: Coordinates of the Pearl vortex position. Lambda: The effective penetration depth of the film in which the vortex lies. ``Lambda`` is equal to half the Pearl length. nPhi0: Number of flux quanta contained in the monopole. xs, ys: Vectors of x and y coordinates defining the the domain in which the field will be computed using a Fourier transform as described above. Returns: The out-of-plane field :math:`\\mu_0H_z` evaluated at the given coordinates in units of ``Phi_0 / (length_units)**2``. """ from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator x0, y0, z0 = r0 x, y, z = np.atleast_1d(x, y, z) if not np.allclose(z, z[0]): raise ValueError("All elements of the vector z must be equal.") x = x - x0 y = y - y0 z = np.abs(z[0] - z0) xs = np.sort(xs) ys = np.sort(ys) if ( x.min() < xs.min() or x.max() > xs.max() or y.min() < ys.min() or y.max() > ys.max() ): raise ValueError( "The rectangle defined by xs and ys must contain the convex hull of the " "region defined by (x - x0) and (y - y0)." ) dx = xs[1] - xs[0] dy = ys[1] - ys[0] # Define Fourier-space coordinates kmaxx = np.pi / dx kmaxy = np.pi / dy kx = np.linspace(-kmaxx, kmaxx, xs.shape[0], endpoint=False) ky = np.linspace(-kmaxy, kmaxy, ys.shape[0], endpoint=False) X, Y = np.meshgrid(xs, ys) KX, KY = np.meshgrid(kx, ky) K = np.sqrt(KX**2 + KY**2) Lambda_Pearl = 2 * Lambda # Fourier transform of mu_0 * H_z(x, y, z) hzk = nPhi0 * np.exp(-K * z) / (1 + K * Lambda_Pearl) hzk = np.fft.fftshift(hzk) hz = np.abs(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2(hzk))) / (dx * dy) # Interpolate to x, y, z coordinates XY = np.array([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()]).T interp = LinearNDInterpolator(XY, hz.ravel()) return interp(np.array([x, y]).T).squeeze()
[docs]def PearlVortexField( *, r0: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0), Lambda: float = 0, nPhi0: Union[int, float] = 1, xs: np.ndarray, ys: np.ndarray, ) -> Parameter: """Returns a Parameter that computes the z-component of the field from a Pearl vortex located at position ``(x0, y0, z0)`` in a film with effective penetration depth ``Lambda`` (Pearl length ``2 * Lambda``) containing a total of ``nPhi0`` flux quanta. The field from a Pearl vortex located at is computed using a Fourier transform method. For a uniform thin film lying in the :math:`x-y` plane with effective penetration depth :math:`\\Lambda` (Pearl length :math:`2\\Lambda`), the Fourier transform of the :math:`z`-component of the field from a vortex containing :math:`n` flux quanta located at the origin, :math:`x=y=z=0`, is given by: .. math:: \\mathcal{F}\\{\\mu_0H_z\\}(k_x, k_y, z) = \\frac{n\\Phi_0e^{-kz}}{1 + 2\\Lambda k}, where :math:`k=\\sqrt{k_x^2 + k_y^2}` and the quantity is in units of ``Phi_0 / (length_units)**2``, where ``length_units`` are the units of ``xs``, ``ys``, etc. The field is calculated by inverse Fourier-transforming the above expression for an :math:`x-y` plane defined by parameters ``xs`` and ``ys``, then interpolating the field to the desired coordinates. Note that the Fourier method may not be accurate if ``xs`` and ``ys`` are not sampled finely enough. .. seealso:: References: [Pearl-APL-1964]_, [Tafuri-PRL-2004]_. Args: r0: Coordinates of the Pearl vortex position. Lambda: The effective penetration depth of the film in which the vortex lies. ``Lambda`` is equal to half the Pearl length. nPhi0: Number of flux quanta contained in the monopole. xs, ys: Vectors of x and y coordinates defining the the domain in which the field will be computed using a Fourier transform as described above. Returns: A Parameter that returns the out-of-plane field in units of ``Phi_0 / (length_units)**2``. """ return Parameter( pearl_vortex, xs=xs, ys=ys, Lambda=Lambda, r0=r0, nPhi0=nPhi0, )