Source code for superscreen.sources.dipole

import itertools
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import mu_0

from ..parameter import Parameter
from ..units import ureg

[docs]def dipole_field( eval_coords: np.ndarray, r0: Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[float, float, float]] = (0, 0, 0), moment: Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[float, float, float]] = (0, 0, 0), ) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the 3D field from a single dipole with the given moment (in units of amps * meters ** 2) located at the position ``r0``, evaluated at coordinates ``eval_coords = [x, y, z]``. Given :math:`\\vec{r}=(x, y, z) - \\vec{r}_0`, the magnetic field is: .. math:: \\vec{B}(\\vec{r}) = \\frac{\\mu_0}{4\\pi} \\frac{ 3\\hat{r}(\\hat{r}\\cdot\\vec{m}) - \\vec{m} }{ |\\vec{r}|^3 } Args: eval_coords: (x, y, z) coordinates (in meters) at which to evaluate the field. Either a sequence of length 3 (for a single position) or an array of shape ``(n, 3)`` (for ``n`` positions.). r0: Coordinates ``(x0, y0, z0)`` (in meters) of the dipole position, shape ``(3,)`` or ``(1, 3)``. moment: Dipole moment ``(mx, my, mz)`` in units of amps * meters ** 2, shape ``(3,)`` or ``(1, 3)``. Returns: Magnetic field ``(Bx, By, Bz)`` in Tesla evaluated at ``(x, y, z)``: An array with shape ``(3, )`` if ``x, y, z`` are scalars, or shape ``(n, 3)`` if ``x, y, z`` are vectors with shape ``(n, )``. """ moment, r0 = np.atleast_1d(moment, r0) r = np.atleast_2d(eval_coords).reshape((-1, 3)) r = r - r0 # \sqrt{\vec{r}\cdot\vec{r}} norm_r = np.sqrt(np.einsum("ij, ij -> i", r, r))[:, np.newaxis] # \vec{m}\cdot\vec{r} m_dot_r = np.einsum("j, ij -> i", moment, r)[:, np.newaxis] # \frac{3\hat{r}(\hat{r}\cdot\vec{m}) - \vec{m}}{|\vec{r}|^3} = # \frac{3\vec{r}(\vec{r}\cdot\vec{m})}{|\vec{r}|^5} - \frac{\vec{m}}{|\vec{r}|^3} B = 3 * r * m_dot_r / norm_r**5 - moment / norm_r**3 return mu_0 / (4 * np.pi) * B.squeeze()
[docs]def dipole_distribution( x: Union[float, np.ndarray], y: Union[float, np.ndarray], z: Union[float, np.ndarray], *, dipole_positions: np.ndarray, dipole_moments: Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[float, float, float]], component: Optional[str] = None, length_units: str = "um", moment_units: str = "mu_B", ) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the 3D field :math:`\\vec{B}=\\mu_0\\vec{H}`, or one of its components, from a distribution of dipoles with given moments (in units of the Bohr magneton) located at the given positions, evaluated at coordinates ``(x, y, z)``. Args: x: x-coordinate(s) (in meters) at which to evaluate the field. Either a scalar or vector with shape ``(n, )``. y: y-coordinate(s) (in meters) at which to evaluate the field. Either a scalar or vector with shape ``(n, )``. z: z-coordinate(s) (in meters) at which to evaluate the field. Either a scalar or vector with shape ``(n, )``. dipole_positions: Coordinates ``(x0_i, y0_i, z0_i)`` of the position of each dipole ``i``, shape ``(m, 3)`` (in meters) . dipole_moments: Dipole moments ``(mx_i, my_i, mz_i)`` in units of amps * meters ** 2. If dipole_moments has shape ``(3, )`` or ``(1, 3)``, then all dipoles are assigned the same moment. Otherwise, dipole_moments must have shape ``(m, 3)``, i.e. the moment is specified for each dipole. component: The component of the magnetic field to return: "x", "y", "z", or None. If None, the vector magnetic field (shape ``(n, 3)``) is returned. length_units: The units for the positions coordinates ``x``, ``y``, ``z``, and ``dipole_positions``. moment_units: The units for ``dipole_moments``, for example the Bohr magneton "mu_B" or SI base units "A * m ** 2". Returns: Magnetic field ``(Bx, By, Bz)`` (or one of its components) in Tesla evaluated at ``(x, y, z)``: An array with shape ``(3, )`` if ``x, y, z`` are scalars, or shape ``(n, 3)`` if ``x, y, z`` are vectors with shape ``(n, )``. """ index = Ellipsis if component is None else list("xyz").index(component) length_units = ureg(length_units) dipole_moments = (dipole_moments * ureg(moment_units)).to("A * m ** 2").magnitude dipole_positions = (dipole_positions * length_units).to("m").magnitude x = (x * length_units).to("m").magnitude y = (y * length_units).to("m").magnitude z = (z * length_units).to("m").magnitude if len(z) == 1: z = z * np.ones_like(x) eval_coords = np.stack(np.atleast_1d(x, y, z), axis=1) dipole_positions, dipole_moments = np.atleast_2d(dipole_positions, dipole_moments) if dipole_moments.shape[0] == 1: # Assign each dipole the same moment dipole_moments = itertools.repeat(dipole_moments[0], dipole_positions.shape[0]) elif dipole_moments.shape[0] != dipole_positions.shape[0]: raise ValueError( f"The number of dipole moments ({dipole_moments.shape[0]}) must be either" f"1 or equal to the the number of dipole positions " f"({dipole_positions.shape[0]})." ) B = sum( dipole_field(eval_coords, moment=moment, r0=r0) for moment, r0 in zip(dipole_moments, dipole_positions) ) return np.atleast_2d(B)[:, index]
[docs]def DipoleField( *, dipole_positions: Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[float, float, float]], dipole_moments: Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[float, float, float]], component: Optional[str] = None, length_units: str = "um", moment_units: str = "mu_B", ) -> Parameter: """Returns a Parameter that computes a given component of the field from a distribution of dipoles with given moments (in units of the Bohr magneton) located at the given positions. Given dipole positions :math:`\\vec{r}_{0, i}` and moments :math:`\\vec{m}_i`, the magnetic field is: .. math:: \\mu_0\\vec{H}(\\vec{r}) = \\sum_i\\frac{\\mu_0}{4\\pi} \\frac{ 3\\hat{r}_i(\\hat{r}_i\\cdot\\vec{m}_i) - \\vec{m}_i }{ |\\vec{r}_i|^3 }, where :math:`\\vec{r}_i=(x, y, z) - \\vec{r}_{0, i}`. Args: dipole_positions: Coordinates ``(x0_i, y0_i, z0_i)`` of the position of each dipole ``i``. Shape ``(3, )`` or ``(1, 3)`` for a single dipole, or shape ``(m, 3)`` for m dipoles. dipole_moments: Dipole moments ``(mx_i, my_i, mz_i)`` in units of the Bohr magneton. If dipole_moments has shape ``(3, )`` or ``(1, 3)``, then all dipoles are assigned the same moment. Otherwise, dipole_moments must have shape ``(m, 3)``, i.e. the moment is specified for each dipole. component: The component of the field to calculate: "x", "y", "z", or None. If None, then the vector field (shape ``(m, 3)``) is returned. length_units: The units for the positions coordinates ``x``, ``y``, ``z``, and ``dipole_positions``. moment_units: The units for ``dipole_moments``, for example the Bohr magneton "mu_B" or SI base units "A * m ** 2". Returns: A Parameter that computes a given component of the field :math:`\\mu_0\\vec{H}(x, y, z)` in Tesla for a given distribution of dipoles. """ if component not in (None, "x", "y", "z"): raise ValueError( f"Component must be 'x', 'y', 'z', or None (got {component!r})." ) return Parameter( dipole_distribution, dipole_positions=dipole_positions, dipole_moments=dipole_moments, component=component, length_units=length_units, moment_units=moment_units, )