Source code for superscreen.solution

import datetime as dt
import logging
import os
from contextlib import nullcontext
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import (

import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as mtri
import numpy as np
import pint

from .about import version_dict
from .device import Device, Polygon
from .distance import cdist
from .fem import in_polygon
from .geometry import path_vectors
from .io import deserialize_obj, serialize_obj
from .parameter import Constant
from .sources.current import biot_savart_2d

logger = logging.getLogger("solution")

InterpolatorType = Literal["linear", "cubic"]

[docs]class Fluxoid(NamedTuple): """The fluxoid for a closed region :math:`S` with boundary :math:`\\partial S` is defined as: .. math:: \\Phi^f_S = \\underbrace{ \\int_S \\mu_0 H_z(\\vec{r})\\,\\mathrm{d}^2r }_{\\text{flux part}} + \\underbrace{ \\oint_{\\partial S} \\mu_0\\Lambda(\\vec{r})\\vec{J}(\\vec{r})\\cdot\\mathrm{d}\\vec{r} }_{\\text{supercurrent part}} Args: flux_part: :math:`\\int_S \\mu_0 H_z(\\vec{r})\\,\\mathrm{d}^2r`. supercurrent_part: :math:`\\oint_{\\partial S}\\mu_0\\Lambda(\\vec{r})\\vec{J}(\\vec{r})\\cdot\\mathrm{d}\\vec{r}`. """ flux_part: Union[float, pint.Quantity] supercurrent_part: Union[float, pint.Quantity]
[docs]@dataclass class Vortex: """A vortex located at position ``(x, y)`` in ``film`` containing a total flux ``nPhi0`` in units of the flux quantum :math:`\\Phi_0`. Args: x: Vortex x-position. y: Vortex y-position. film: The name of the film in which the vortex is pinned. nPhi0: The number of flux quanta contained in the vortex. """ x: float y: float film: str nPhi0: float = 1 def to_hdf5(self, h5group: h5py.Group) -> None: h5group.attrs["x"] = self.x h5group.attrs["y"] = self.y h5group.attrs["film"] = h5group.attrs["nPhi0"] = self.nPhi0 @staticmethod def from_hdf5(h5group: h5py.Group) -> "Vortex": return Vortex( x=h5group.attrs["x"], y=h5group.attrs["y"], film=h5group.attrs["film"], nPhi0=h5group.attrs["nPhi0"], )
[docs]class FilmSolution: """Raw solution data for a single film. Args: stream: The stream function current_density: The sheet current density applied_field: The applied field self_field: The field due to screening currents in the film field_from_other_films: The field due to screening currents in other films """ def __init__( self, stream: np.ndarray, current_density: np.ndarray, applied_field: np.ndarray, self_field: np.ndarray, field_from_other_films: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ): = np.asarray(stream) self.current_density = np.asarray(current_density) self.applied_field = np.asarray(applied_field) self.self_field = np.asarray(self_field) if field_from_other_films is not None: field_from_other_films = np.asarray(field_from_other_films) self.field_from_other_films = field_from_other_films self._total_field: Optional[np.ndarray] = None @property def total_field(self) -> np.ndarray: """The total magnetic field in the film.""" if self._total_field is None: self._total_field = self.applied_field + self.self_field if self.field_from_other_films is not None: self._total_field += self.field_from_other_films return self._total_field
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, h5group: h5py.Group) -> None: """Save the :class:`superscreen.FilmSolution` to an :class:`h5py.Group`. Args: h5group: The :class:`h5py.Group` in which to save the :class:`superscreen.FilmSolution` """ h5group["stream"] = h5group["current_density"] = self.current_density h5group["applied_field"] = self.applied_field h5group["self_field"] = self.self_field if self.field_from_other_films is not None: h5group["field_from_other_films"] = self.field_from_other_films
[docs] @staticmethod def from_hdf5(h5group: h5py.Group) -> "FilmSolution": """Load a :class:`superscreen.FilmSolution` from an :class:`h5py.Group`. Args: h5group: The :class:`h5py.Group` from which to load the :class:`superscreen.FilmSolution` Returns: The loaded :class:`superscreen.FilmSolution` """ field_from_other_films = h5group.get("field_from_other_films", None) if field_from_other_films is not None: field_from_other_films = np.array(field_from_other_films) return FilmSolution( stream=np.array(h5group["stream"]), current_density=np.array(h5group["current_density"]), applied_field=np.array(h5group["applied_field"]), self_field=np.array(h5group["self_field"]), field_from_other_films=field_from_other_films, )
[docs] def is_close( self, other: "FilmSolution", rtol: float = 1e-4, atol: float = 1e-7 ) -> bool: """Check whether two FilmSolutions are equal to within a tolerance. Args: other: The other FilmSolution rtol: Relative tolerance (see :func:`numpy.allclose`) atol: Absolute tolerance (see :func:`numpy.allclose`) Returns: True if the two FilmSolutions are equal within the given tolerances. """ kw = dict(rtol=rtol, atol=atol) return ( np.allclose(,, **kw) and np.allclose(self.applied_field, other.applied_field, **kw) and np.allclose(self.self_field, other.self_field, **kw) and np.allclose(self.total_field, other.total_field, **kw) )
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if other is self: return True if not isinstance(other, FilmSolution): return False if self.field_from_other_films is None: if other.field_from_other_films is not None: return False if other.field_from_other_films is None: if self.field_from_other_films is not None: return False return self.is_close(other)
[docs]class Solution: """A container for the calculated stream functions and fields, with some convenient data processing methods. Args: device: The ``Device`` that was solved film_solutions: A dict of ``{film_name: film_solution}`` containing the raw simulation results in ``field_units``, ``current_units``, and ``device.length_units``. applied_field_func: The function defining the applied field field_units: Units of the applied field current_units: Units used for current quantities. circulating_currents: A dict of ``{hole_name: circulating_current}``. terminal_currents: A dict of ``{terminal_name: terminal_current}``. vortices: A list of ``Vortex`` objects located in the ``Device``. solver: The solver method that generated the solution. """ def __init__( self, *, device: Device, film_solutions: Dict[str, FilmSolution], applied_field_func: Callable, field_units: str, current_units: str, circulating_currents: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, terminal_currents: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, vortices: Optional[List[Vortex]] = None, solver: str = "superscreen.solve", ): self.device = device.copy(with_mesh=True, copy_mesh=False) self.film_solutions = film_solutions self.applied_field_func = applied_field_func self.circulating_currents = circulating_currents or {} self.terminal_currents = terminal_currents or {} self.vortices = vortices or [] # Make field_units and current_units "read-only" attributes. # The should never be changed after instantiation. self._field_units = field_units self._current_units = current_units self._solver = solver self._time_created = self._version_info = version_dict() @property def field_units(self) -> str: """The units in which magnetic fields are specified.""" return self._field_units @property def current_units(self) -> str: """The units in which currents are specified.""" return self._current_units @property def solver(self) -> str: """The solver method that generated the solution.""" return self._solver @property def time_created(self) -> dt.datetime: """The time at which the solution was originally created.""" return self._time_created @property def version_info(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """A dictionary of dependency versions.""" return self._version_info @staticmethod def _select_interpolator(method: InterpolatorType) -> type: return { "linear": mtri.LinearTriInterpolator, "cubic": mtri.CubicTriInterpolator, }[method]
[docs] def interp_current_density( self, positions: np.ndarray, *, film: str, method: InterpolatorType = "linear", units: Optional[str] = None, with_units: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: """Interpolates the current density ``J = [dg/dy, -dg/dx]`` within a film. Args: positions: Shape ``(m, 2)`` array of x, y coordinates at which to evaluate the current density. film: The name of the film in which to interpolate current density. method: Interpolation method to use ("linear" or "cubic"). units: The desired units for the current density. Defaults to ``self.current_units / self.device.length_units``. with_units: Whether to return arrays of pint.Quantities with units attached. Returns: The interpolated current density """ device = self.device default_units = f"{self.current_units} / {device.length_units}" if units is None: units = default_units positions = np.atleast_2d(positions) xv, yv = positions.T interp_type = self._select_interpolator(method) mesh = device.meshes[film] J = self.film_solutions[film].current_density Jx_interp = interp_type(mesh.triangulation, J[:, 0]) Jy_interp = interp_type(mesh.triangulation, J[:, 1]) J = np.array([Jx_interp(xv, yv).data, Jy_interp(xv, yv).data]).T in_film = device.films[film].contains_points(positions) J[~in_film] = 0 J[~np.isfinite(J).all(axis=1)] = 0 J = (J * self.device.ureg(default_units)).to(units) if with_units: return J return J.magnitude
[docs] def current_through_path( self, path_coords: np.ndarray, *, film: str, interp_method: str = "linear", units: Union[str, None] = None, with_units: bool = True, ) -> Union[float, pint.Quantity]: """Calculates the total current crossing a given path. Args: path_coords: An ``(n, 2)`` array of ``(x, y)`` coordinates defining the path. film: The name of the film in which to interpolate current density. interp_method: Interpolation method to use ("linear" or "cubic"). units: The current units to return. with_units: Whether to return a :class:`pint.Quantity` with units attached. Returns: The total current crossing the path as either a float or a :class:`pint.Quantity`. """ device = self.device if units is None: units = self.current_units # The center of each edge in the path edge_positions = (path_coords[:-1] + path_coords[1:]) / 2 # Evaluate the supercurrent at the edge centers J_edge = self.interp_current_density( edge_positions, film=film, method=interp_method, with_units=True, ) edge_lengths, unit_normals = path_vectors(path_coords) edge_lengths = edge_lengths * device.ureg(device.length_units) J_dot_n = (J_edge * unit_normals[:-1]).sum(axis=1) total_current = np.trapz(J_dot_n * edge_lengths).to(units) if not with_units: total_current = total_current.magnitude return total_current
[docs] def interp_field( self, positions: np.ndarray, *, film: str, dataset: Literal[ "field", "self_field", "applied_field", "field_from_other_films" ] = "field", method: InterpolatorType = "linear", units: Optional[str] = None, with_units: bool = False, ): """Interpolates the z-component of the field within a film. Args: positions: Shape ``(m, 2)`` array of x, y coordinates at which to evaluate the fields. film: The name of the film in which to interpolate the field. dataset: The dataset to interpolate. One of 'field', 'self_field', 'applied_field', or 'field_from_other_films'. method: Interpolation method to use: 'linear' or 'cubic'. units: The desired units for the current density. Defaults to ``self.field_units``. with_units: Whether to return arrays of pint.Quantities with units attached. Returns: The interpolated field """ from .solver import convert_field interp_type = self._select_interpolator(method) device = self.device if units is None: units = self.field_units valid_datasets = ( "field", "self_field", "applied_field", "field_from_other_films", ) mesh = self.device.meshes[film] if dataset not in valid_datasets: raise ValueError( f"Invalid dataset: {dataset!r}. Expected one of {valid_datasets!r}" ) if dataset == "field": field = self.film_solutions[film].total_field elif dataset == "self_field": field = self.film_solutions[film].self_field elif dataset == "applied_field": field = self.film_solutions[film].applied_field else: field = self.film_solutions[film].field_from_other_films if field is None: field = np.zeros(len(mesh.sites)) positions = np.atleast_2d(positions) Hz_interp = interp_type(mesh.triangulation, field) Hz = convert_field( Hz_interp(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1]).data, units, old_units=self.field_units, ureg=device.ureg, with_units=with_units, ) return Hz
[docs] def polygon_flux( self, name: str, units: Optional[Union[str, pint.Unit]] = None, with_units: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Union[float, pint.Quantity]]: """Computes the flux through a given polygon. Args: name: The name of the polygon for which to compute the flux. units: The flux units to use. with_units: Whether to a return a pint.Quantity with units attached. Returns: The polygon flux. """ from .solver import convert_field device = self.device ureg = device.ureg polygons = { p for p in device.get_polygons(include_terminals=False)} if name not in polygons: raise ValueError(f"Unknown polygon: {name!r}.") new_units = units or f"{self.field_units} * {device.length_units}**2" if isinstance(new_units, str): new_units = ureg(new_units) polygon = polygons[name] if name in device.films: mesh = device.meshes[name] polygon_name = name else: for film in device.films.values(): if ( film.layer == polygon.layer and film.contains_points(polygon.points).all() ): break mesh = device.meshes[] polygon_name = points = mesh.sites areas = mesh.vertex_areas * ureg(f"{self.device.length_units}") ** 2 total_field = self.film_solutions[polygon_name].total_field ix = polygon.contains_points(points, index=True) field = total_field[ix] * ureg(self.field_units) area = areas[ix] # Convert field to B = mu0 * H field = convert_field(field, "mT", ureg=ureg) flux = np.einsum("i, i -> ", field, area).to(new_units) if with_units: return flux return flux.magnitude
[docs] def polygon_fluxoid( self, polygon_coords: Union[np.ndarray, Polygon], *, film: str, interp_method: InterpolatorType = "linear", units: Optional[str] = "Phi_0", with_units: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Fluxoid]: """Computes the :class:`Fluxoid` (flux + supercurrent) for a given polygonal region. The fluxoid for a closed region :math:`S` with boundary :math:`\\partial S` is defined as: .. math:: \\Phi^f_S = \\underbrace{ \\int_S \\mu_0 H_z(\\vec{r})\\,\\mathrm{d}^2r }_{\\text{flux part}} + \\underbrace{ \\oint_{\\partial S} \\mu_0\\Lambda(\\vec{r})\\vec{J}(\\vec{r})\\cdot\\mathrm{d}\\vec{r} }_{\\text{supercurrent part}} Args: polygon_coords: A shape ``(n, 2)`` array of ``(x, y)`` coordinates of polygon vertices defining the closed region :math:`S`, or a :class:`Polygon` instance. film: The name of the film in which to evaluate the field and current. interp_method: Interpolation method to use. units: The desired units for the current density. Defaults to :math:`\\Phi_0`. with_units: Whether to return values as pint.Quantities with units attached. Returns: The :class:`Fluxoid` for the given polygon. """ device = self.device ureg = device.ureg if units is None: units = f"{self.field_units} * {self.device.length_units} ** 2" polygon = Polygon(points=polygon_coords) points = polygon.points if not device.films[film].contains_points(points).all(): raise ValueError( f"The polygon is not contained within the film ({film!r})." ) poly_mesh = device.meshes[film] ix = polygon.contains_points(poly_mesh.sites) fields = self.film_solutions[film].total_field * ureg(self.field_units) areas = poly_mesh.vertex_areas * ureg(f"{device.length_units} ** 2") flux_part = np.einsum("i, i ->", fields[ix], areas[ix]).to(units) # Evaluate the supercurrent density at the polygon coordinates. J_units = f"{self.current_units} / {device.length_units}" J_poly = self.interp_current_density( points, film=film, method=interp_method, units=J_units, with_units=False, ) # Compute the supercurrent part of the fluxoid: # \oint_{\\partial poly} \mu_0\Lambda \vec{J}\cdot\mathrm{d}\vec{r} Lambda = device.layers[device.films[film].layer].Lambda if not callable(Lambda): Lambda = Constant(Lambda) Lambda_poly = Lambda(points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) # \oint_{poly}\Lambda\vec{J}\cdot\mathrm{d}\vec{r} dl = np.diff(points, axis=0) int_J = np.trapz(Lambda_poly[:-1] * np.sum(J_poly[:-1] * dl, axis=1)) int_J = int_J * ureg(J_units) * ureg(device.length_units) ** 2 supercurrent_part = (ureg("mu_0") * int_J).to(units) if not with_units: flux_part = flux_part.magnitude supercurrent_part = supercurrent_part.magnitude return Fluxoid(flux_part, supercurrent_part)
[docs] def hole_fluxoid( self, hole_name: str, points: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, interp_method: InterpolatorType = "linear", units: Optional[str] = "Phi_0", with_units: bool = True, ) -> Fluxoid: """Calculcates the fluxoid for a polygon enclosing the specified hole. Args: hole_name: The name of the hole for which to calculate the fluxoid. points: The vertices of the polygon enclosing the hole. If None is given, a polygon is generated using :func:`supercreen.fluxoid.make_fluxoid_polygons`. interp_method: Interpolation method to use. units: The desired units for the current density. Defaults to :math:`\\Phi_0`. with_units: Whether to return values as pint.Quantities with units attached. Returns: The hole's Fluxoid. """ if points is None: from .fluxoid import make_fluxoid_polygons points = make_fluxoid_polygons(self.device, holes=hole_name)[hole_name] device = self.device hole = device.holes[hole_name] if not in_polygon(points, hole.points).all(): raise ValueError( f"Hole {} is not completely enclosed by the given polygon." ) for film_name, holes in self.device.holes_by_film().items(): if in [ for h in holes]: break return self.polygon_fluxoid( points, film=film_name, interp_method=interp_method, units=units, with_units=with_units, )
[docs] def screening_field_at_position( self, positions: np.ndarray, *, zs: Union[float, np.ndarray, None] = None, vector: bool = False, interp_method: InterpolatorType = "linear", units: Optional[str] = None, with_units: bool = True, return_sum: bool = True, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]: """Calculates the field due to currents in the device at any point(s) in space (excluding the applied field). Args: positions: Shape (m, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates, or (m, 3) array of (x, y, z) coordinates at which to calculate the magnetic field. A single sequence like [x, y] or [x, y, z] is also allowed. zs: z coordinates at which to calculate the field. If positions has shape (m, 3), then this argument is not allowed. If zs is a scalar, then the fields are calculated in a plane parallel to the x-y plane. If zs is any array, then it must be same length as positions. vector: Whether to return the full vector magnetic field or just the z component. interp_method: Interpolation method to use. units: Units to which to convert the fields (can be either magnetic field H or magnetic flux density B = mu0 * H). If not given, then the fields are returned in units of ``self.field_units``. with_units: Whether to return the fields as ``pint.Quantity`` with units attached. return_sum: Whether to return the sum of the fields from all layers in the device, or a dict of ``{layer_name: field_from_layer}``. Returns: An np.ndarray if return_sum is True, otherwise a dict of ``{film_name: field_from_film}``. If with_units is True, then the array(s) will contain pint.Quantities. ``field_from_film`` will have shape ``(m, )`` if vector is False, or shape ``(m, 3)`` if ``vector`` is True. """ from .solver import convert_field device = self.device dtype = device.solve_dtype ureg = device.ureg layers = device.layers meshes = device.meshes units = units or self.field_units # In case something like a list [x, y] or [x, y, z] is given positions = np.atleast_2d(positions) # If positions includes z coordinates, peel those off here if positions.shape[1] == 3: if zs is not None: raise ValueError( "If positions has shape (m, 3) then zs cannot be specified." ) zs = positions[:, 2] positions = positions[:, :2] else: zs = np.squeeze(zs) if zs.ndim == 0: zs = zs.item() * np.ones(positions.shape[0], dtype=dtype) if not isinstance(zs, np.ndarray): raise ValueError(f"Expected zs to be an ndarray, but got {type(zs)}.") # Compute the fields at the specified positions from the currents in each film fields = {} for name, film in device.films.items(): layer = layers[film.layer] if vector: field_from_film = np.zeros((len(positions), 3), dtype=dtype) else: field_from_film = np.zeros(len(positions), dtype=dtype) in_film = np.zeros(len(positions), dtype=bool) if np.all(zs == layer.z0): # Evaluate the screening field within a film. in_film[film.contains_points(positions)] = True field_in_film = self.interp_field( positions[in_film],, dataset="self_field", method=interp_method, units="tesla", with_units=False, ) if vector: # Make shape (m, 3) zeros = np.zeros_like(field_in_film) field_in_film = np.array([zeros, zeros, field_in_film]).T field_from_film[in_film] = field_in_film # Evaluate the screening field outside of any films. not_in_film = ~in_film field_from_film[not_in_film] = biot_savart_2d( positions[not_in_film, 0], positions[not_in_film, 1], zs[not_in_film], positions=meshes[name].sites, areas=meshes[name].vertex_areas, current_densities=self.film_solutions[name].current_density, z0=layer.z0, length_units=device.length_units, current_units=self.current_units, vector=vector, ) fields[name] = convert_field( field_from_film, units, old_units="tesla", ureg=ureg, with_units=with_units, ) if return_sum: return sum(fields.values()) return fields
[docs] def field_at_position( self, positions: np.ndarray, *, zs: Union[float, np.ndarray, None] = None, interp_method: InterpolatorType = "linear", units: Optional[str] = None, with_units: bool = True, return_sum: bool = True, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]: """Calculates the field due to currents in the device at any point(s) in space. Args: positions: Shape (m, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates, or (m, 3) array of (x, y, z) coordinates at which to calculate the magnetic field. A single sequence like [x, y] or [x, y, z] is also allowed. zs: z coordinates at which to calculate the field. If positions has shape (m, 3), then this argument is not allowed. If zs is a scalar, then the fields are calculated in a plane parallel to the x-y plane. If zs is any array, then it must be same length as positions. interp_method: Interpolation method to use. units: Units to which to convert the fields (can be either magnetic field H or magnetic flux density B = mu0 * H). If not given, then the fields are returned in units of ``self.field_units``. with_units: Whether to return the fields as ``pint.Quantity`` with units attached. return_sum: Whether to return the sum of the fields from all layers in the device, or a dict of ``{layer_name: field_from_layer}``. Returns: An np.ndarray if return_sum is True, otherwise a dict of ``{film_name: field_from_film}``. If with_units is True, then the array(s) will contain pint.Quantities. """ from .solver.utils import convert_field device = self.device dtype = device.solve_dtype units = units or self.field_units # In case something like a list [x, y] or [x, y, z] is given positions = np.atleast_2d(positions) # If positions includes z coordinates, peel those off here if positions.shape[1] == 3: if zs is not None: raise ValueError( "If positions has shape (m, 3) then zs cannot be specified." ) zs = positions[:, 2] positions = positions[:, :2] else: zs = np.squeeze(zs) if zs.ndim == 0: zs = zs.item() * np.ones(positions.shape[0], dtype=dtype) if not isinstance(zs, np.ndarray): raise ValueError(f"Expected zs to be an ndarray, but got {type(zs)}.") # Evaluate the screening fields fields = self.screening_field_at_position( positions, zs=zs, vector=False, interp_method=interp_method, units=self.field_units, with_units=False, return_sum=False, ) # Evaluate the applied fields films_by_layer = device.polygons_by_layer("film") Hz_applied = np.zeros(len(positions), dtype=dtype) in_film = np.zeros(len(positions), dtype=bool) for name, layer in device.layers.items(): if np.all(zs == layer.z0): for film in films_by_layer[name]: ix = film.contains_points(positions) in_film[ix] = True Hz_applied[ix] = self.interp_field( positions[ix],, dataset="applied_field", method=interp_method, units=self.field_units, with_units=False, ) Hz_applied[ix] += self.interp_field( positions[ix],, dataset="field_from_other_films", method=interp_method, units=self.field_units, with_units=False, ) break mask = ~in_film Hz_applied[mask] = self.applied_field_func( positions[mask, 0], positions[mask, 1], zs[mask, np.newaxis] ) fields["applied_field"] = np.atleast_1d(Hz_applied).squeeze() for key, field in fields.items(): fields[key] = convert_field( field, units, old_units=self.field_units, ureg=device.ureg, with_units=with_units, ) if return_sum: return sum(fields.values()) return fields
[docs] def vector_potential_at_position( self, positions: np.ndarray, *, zs: Union[float, np.ndarray, None] = None, units: Optional[str] = None, with_units: bool = True, return_sum: bool = True, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]: """Calculates the vector potential due to currents in the device at any point(s) in space. Note that this only considers the vector potential due to currents in the device, so only represents the total vector potential in cases where the applied field is zero (e.g. models with only vortices and/or circulating currents). The vector potential :math:`\\vec{A}` at position :math:`\\vec{r}` due to sheet current density :math:`\\vec{J}(\\vec{r}')` flowing in a film with lateral geometry :math:`S` is: .. math:: \\vec{A}(\\vec{r}) = \\frac{\\mu_0}{4\\pi} \\int_S\\frac{\\vec{J}(\\vec{r}')}{|\\vec{r}-\\vec{r}'|}\\mathrm{d}^2r'. Args: positions: Shape (m, 2) array of (x, y) coordinates, or (m, 3) array of (x, y, z) coordinates at which to calculate the vector potential. A single list like [x, y] or [x, y, z] is also allowed. zs: z coordinates at which to calculate the potential. If positions has shape (m, 3), then this argument is not allowed. If zs is a scalar, then the fields are calculated in a plane parallel to the x-y plane. If zs is any array, then it must be same length as positions. units: Units to which to convert the vector potential. with_units: Whether to return the vector potential as a ``pint.Quantity`` with units attached. return_sum: Whether to return the sum of the potential from all layers in the device, or a dict of ``{layer_name: potential_from_layer}``. Returns: An np.ndarray if return_sum is True, otherwise a dict of ``{film_name: potential_from_film}``. If with_units is True, then the array(s) will contain pint.Quantities. ``potential_from_film`` will have shape ``(m, 3)``. """ device = self.device layers = device.layers meshes = device.meshes dtype = device.solve_dtype ureg = device.ureg units = units or f"{self.field_units} * {device.length_units}" layers_by_film = {} for name, film in device.films.items(): layers_by_film[name] = layers[film.layer] # In case something like a list [x, y] or [x, y, z] is given positions = np.atleast_2d(positions) # If positions includes z coordinates, peel those off here if positions.shape[1] == 3: if zs is not None: raise ValueError( "If positions has shape (m, 3) then zs cannot be specified." ) zs = positions[:, 2] positions = positions[:, :2] else: zs = np.squeeze(zs) if zs.ndim == 0: zs = zs.item() * np.ones(positions.shape[0], dtype=dtype) if not isinstance(zs, np.ndarray): raise ValueError(f"Expected zs to be an ndarray, but got {type(zs)}.") if zs.ndim == 1: # We need zs to be shape (m, 1) zs = zs[:, np.newaxis] # Compute the vector potential at the specified positions # from the currents in each film vector_potentials = {} for name, film in device.films.items(): dz = zs - layers_by_film[name].z0 if np.all(dz == 0) and film.contains_points(positions).all(): raise ValueError( f"Cannot evaluate vector potential inside the film ({name!r})." ) mesh = meshes[name] rho2 = cdist(positions, mesh.sites, metric="sqeuclidean") areas = mesh.vertex_areas # J has units of [current / length], shape = (device.points.shape[0], 2) J = self.film_solutions[name].current_density # rho has units of [length] and # shape = (postitions.shape[0], device.points.shape[0], 1) rho = np.sqrt(rho2 + dz**2)[:, :, np.newaxis] Axy = np.einsum("ijk, j -> ik", J / rho, areas) # z-component is zero because currents are parallel to the x-y plane. A = np.concatenate([Axy, np.zeros_like(Axy[:, :1])], axis=1) A = A * ureg(self.current_units) A = (ureg("mu_0") / (4 * np.pi) * A).to(units) if not with_units: A = A.magnitude vector_potentials[name] = A if return_sum: return sum(vector_potentials.values()) return vector_potentials
[docs] def to_hdf5( self, path_or_group: Union[os.PathLike, h5py.Group], device_path: Optional[str] = None, compress: bool = True, ) -> None: """Save the Solution to an HDF5 file. path_or_group: An HDF5 file path or an open h5py.Group in which to save the Solution. device_path: Path within the HDF5 file in which the Solution's Device is saved. If None, the Device will be saved at ``"/device"``. compress: Save the mesh in a compressed format. """ if isinstance(path_or_group, h5py.Group): save_context = nullcontext(path_or_group) else: save_context = h5py.File(path_or_group, "x") with save_context as h5group: h5group.attrs["time_created"] = self.time_created.isoformat() h5group.attrs["field_units"] = self.field_units h5group.attrs["current_units"] = self.current_units h5group.attrs["solver"] = self.solver version_grp = h5group.create_group("version_info") version_grp.attrs.update(self.version_info) if device_path is None: self.device.to_hdf5( h5group.create_group("device"), save_mesh=True, compress=compress ) else: h5group["device"] = h5py.SoftLink(device_path) grp = h5group.create_group("film_solutions") for name, film_solution in self.film_solutions.items(): film_solution.to_hdf5(grp.create_group(name)) vortices_grp = h5group.create_group("vortices") for i, vortex in enumerate(self.vortices): vortex.to_hdf5(vortices_grp.create_group(str(i))) serialize_obj(h5group, self.applied_field_func, "applied_field_func") circ_grp = h5group.create_group("circulating_currents") circ_grp.attrs.update(self.circulating_currents) term_grp = h5group.create_group("terminal_currents") for film_name, current_dict in self.terminal_currents.items(): grp = term_grp.create_group(film_name) grp.attrs.update(current_dict)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_hdf5( path_or_group: Union[os.PathLike, h5py.Group], ) -> "Solution": """Load a Solution from and HDF5 file. Args: path_or_group: An HDF5 file path or an open h5py.Group from which to load the Solution. Returns: The loaded Solution """ if isinstance(path_or_group, h5py.Group): read_context = nullcontext(path_or_group) else: read_context = h5py.File(path_or_group, "r") with read_context as h5group: device = Device.from_hdf5(h5group["device"]) film_solutions = {} for name, grp in h5group["film_solutions"].items(): film_solutions[name] = FilmSolution.from_hdf5(grp) applied_field_func = deserialize_obj(h5group, "applied_field_func") vortices = [] for i in sorted(h5group["vortices"], key=int): vortices.append(Vortex.from_hdf5(h5group[f"vortices/{i}"])) time_created = dt.datetime.fromisoformat(h5group.attrs["time_created"]) version_info = dict(h5group["version_info"].attrs) terminal_currents = {} for film_name, grp in h5group["terminal_currents"].items(): terminal_currents[film_name] = dict(grp.attrs) solution = Solution( device=device, film_solutions=film_solutions, applied_field_func=applied_field_func, vortices=vortices, circulating_currents=dict(h5group["circulating_currents"].attrs), terminal_currents=terminal_currents, current_units=h5group.attrs["current_units"], field_units=h5group.attrs["field_units"], solver=h5group.attrs["solver"], ) # Set "read-only" attributes solution._time_created = time_created solution._version_info = version_info return solution
[docs] @staticmethod def save_solutions( solutions: Sequence["Solution"], path_or_group: Union[os.PathLike, h5py.Group], compress: bool = True, ) -> None: """Save a series of Solutions to an HDF5 file. Args: solutions: A series of Solutions to save. path_or_group: An HDF5 file path or an open h5py.Group in which to save the Solutions. compress: Save the meshes in a compressed format. """ if not solutions: return device = solutions[0].device if isinstance(path_or_group, h5py.Group): save_context = nullcontext(path_or_group) else: save_context = h5py.File(path_or_group, "x") with save_context as h5group: device_grp = h5group.create_group("device") device.to_hdf5(device_grp) for i, solution in enumerate(solutions): device_path = None if solution.device == device: device_path = solution.to_hdf5( h5group.create_group(str(i)), device_path=device_path, compress=compress, )
[docs] @staticmethod def load_solutions( path_or_group: Union[os.PathLike, h5py.Group] ) -> List["Solution"]: """Load a series of Solutions from an HDF5 file. Args: path_or_group: An HDF5 file path or an open h5py.Group from which to load the Solutions. Returns: A list of loaded Solutions. """ if isinstance(path_or_group, h5py.Group): read_context = nullcontext(path_or_group) else: read_context = h5py.File(path_or_group, "r") solutions = [] with read_context as h5group: groups = sorted((key for key in h5group if key.isdigit()), key=int) for group in groups: solutions.append(Solution.from_hdf5(h5group[group])) return solutions
[docs] def equals( self, other: Any, require_same_timestamp: bool = False, ) -> bool: """Checks whether two solutions are equal. Args: other: The Solution to compare for equality. require_same_timestamp: If True, two solutions are only considered equal if they have the exact same time_created. Returns: A boolean indicating whether the two solutions are equal """ # First check things that are "easy" to check if other is self: return True if not isinstance(other, Solution): return False if not ( (self.device == other.device) and (self.field_units == other.field_units) and (self.current_units == other.current_units) and (self.circulating_currents == other.circulating_currents) and ( getattr(self, "terminal_currents", None) == getattr(other, "terminal_currents", None) ) and (self.applied_field_func == other.applied_field_func) and (self.vortices == other.vortices) ): return False if require_same_timestamp and (self.time_created != other.time_created): return False # Then check the film_solutions, which will take longer return self.film_solutions == other.film_solutions
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: return self.equals(other, require_same_timestamp=True)
[docs] def plot_streams(self, **kwargs) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, np.ndarray]: """Alias for :func:`superscreen.visualization.plot_streams`.""" from .visualization import plot_streams return plot_streams(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_currents(self, **kwargs) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, np.ndarray]: """Alias for :func:`superscreen.visualization.plot_currents`.""" from .visualization import plot_currents return plot_currents(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_fields(self, **kwargs) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, np.ndarray]: """Alias for :func:`superscreen.visualization.plot_fields`.""" from .visualization import plot_fields return plot_fields(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_field_at_positions( self, points: np.ndarray, **kwargs ) -> Tuple[plt.Figure, np.ndarray]: """Alias for :func:`superscreen.visualization.plot_field_at_positions`.""" from .visualization import plot_field_at_positions return plot_field_at_positions(self, points, **kwargs)