Source code for superscreen.fem

import warnings
from typing import Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
import scipy.sparse as sp
from matplotlib.path import Path

[docs]def triangle_areas(points: np.ndarray, triangles: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Calculates the area of each triangle. Args: points: Shape (n, 2) array of x, y coordinates of vertices triangles: Shape (m, 3) array of triangle indices Returns: Shape (m, ) array of triangle areas """ xy = points[triangles] # s1 = xy[:, 2, :] - xy[:, 1, :] # s2 = xy[:, 0, :] - xy[:, 2, :] # s3 = xy[:, 1, :] - xy[:, 0, :] # which can be simplified to # s = xy[:, [2, 0, 1]] - xy[:, [1, 2, 0]] # 3D s = xy[:, [2, 0]] - xy[:, [1, 2]] # 2D a = np.linalg.det(s) return a * 0.5
[docs]def in_polygon( poly_points: np.ndarray, query_points: np.ndarray, radius: float = 0, ) -> Union[bool, np.ndarray]: """Returns a boolean array indicating which points in ``query_points`` lie inside the polygon defined by ``poly_points``. Args: poly_points: Shape ``(m, 2)`` array of polygon vertex coordinates. query_points: Shape ``(n, 2)`` array of "query points". radius: See :meth:`matplotlib.path.Path.contains_points`. Returns: A shape ``(n, )`` boolean array indicating which ``query_points`` lie inside the polygon. If only a single query point is given, then a single boolean value is returned. """ query_points, poly_points = np.atleast_2d(query_points, poly_points) path = Path(poly_points) bool_array = path.contains_points(query_points, radius=radius).squeeze() if len(bool_array.shape) == 0: bool_array = bool_array.item() return bool_array
[docs]def centroids(points: np.ndarray, triangles: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Returns x, y coordinates for triangle centroids (centers of mass). Args: points: Shape (n, 2) array of x, y coordinates of vertices. triangles: Shape (m, 3) array of triangle indices. Returns: Shape (m, 2) array of triangle centroid (center of mass) coordinates """ return points[triangles].sum(axis=1) / 3
[docs]def adjacency_matrix( triangles: np.ndarray, sparse: bool = True ) -> Union[np.ndarray, sp.csr_array]: """Computes the adjacency matrix for a given set of triangles. Args: triangles: Shape (m, 3) array of triangle indices sparse: Whether to return a sparse array or numpy ndarray. Returns: Shape (n, n) adjacency matrix, where n = triangles.max() + 1 """ # shape (m * 3, 2) array of graph edges edges = np.concatenate( [triangles[:, [0, 1]], triangles[:, [1, 2]], triangles[:, [2, 0]]] ) row, col = edges[:, 0], edges[:, 1] nrow, ncol = row.max() + 1, col.max() + 1 data = np.ones_like(row, dtype=int) # This is the (data, (row_ind, col_ind)) format for csr_array, # meaning that adj[row_ind[k], col_ind[k]] = data[k] adj = sp.csr_array((data, (row, col)), shape=(nrow, ncol)) # Undirected graph -> symmetric adjacency matrix adj = adj + adj.T adj = (adj > 0).astype(int) if sparse: return adj return adj.toarray()
[docs]def adj_directed_tri_indices(triangles: np.ndarray, num_sites: int) -> sp.csc_array: """Construct the directed adjacency matrix. Each element (i, j) represents an edge in the mesh, and the value at (i, j) is 1 + the index of a triangle containing that edge. Args: triangles: The triangle indices, shape ``(m, 3)`` num_sites: The number of sites in the mesh Returns: A directed adjacency matrix containing triangle indices + 1 """ t0 = triangles[:, 0] t1 = triangles[:, 1] t2 = triangles[:, 2] i = np.column_stack([t0, t1, t2]).ravel() j = np.column_stack([t1, t2, t0]).ravel() # store triangle index + 1 (zero means no edge connecting i and j) data = np.repeat(np.arange(1, triangles.shape[0] + 1), 3) return sp.csc_array((data, (i, j)), shape=(num_sites, num_sites))
[docs]def weights_inv_euclidean( points: np.ndarray, triangles: np.ndarray, sparse: bool = True ) -> Union[np.ndarray, sp.lil_array]: """Weights edges by the inverse Euclidean distance of the edge lengths. Args: points: Shape (n, 2) array of x, y coordinates of vertices. triangles: Shape (m, 3) array of triangle indices. sparse: Whether to return a sparse matrix or numpy ndarray. Returns: Shape (n, n) matrix of vertex weights """ # Adapted from spharaphy.TriMesh: # # N = points.shape[0] if sparse: # Use lil_array for operations that change matrix sparsity weights = sp.lil_array((N, N), dtype=float) else: weights = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=float) # Compute the three vectors of each triangle and their norms vec10 = points[triangles[:, 1]] - points[triangles[:, 0]] vec20 = points[triangles[:, 2]] - points[triangles[:, 0]] vec21 = points[triangles[:, 2]] - points[triangles[:, 1]] n10 = la.norm(vec10, axis=1) n20 = la.norm(vec20, axis=1) n21 = la.norm(vec21, axis=1) # Fill in the weight matrix weights[triangles[:, 0], triangles[:, 1]] = 1 / n10 weights[triangles[:, 1], triangles[:, 0]] = 1 / n10 weights[triangles[:, 0], triangles[:, 2]] = 1 / n20 weights[triangles[:, 2], triangles[:, 0]] = 1 / n20 weights[triangles[:, 2], triangles[:, 1]] = 1 / n21 weights[triangles[:, 1], triangles[:, 2]] = 1 / n21 return weights
[docs]def weights_half_cotangent( points: np.ndarray, triangles: np.ndarray, sparse: bool = True ) -> Union[np.ndarray, sp.lil_array]: """Weights edges by half of the cotangent of the two angles opposite the edge. Args: points: Shape (n, 2) array of x, y coordinates of vertices. triangles: Shape (m, 3) array of triangle indices. sparse: Whether to return a sparse matrix or numpy ndarray. Returns: Shape (n, n) matrix of vertex weights """ # Adapted from spharaphy.TriMesh: # # N = points.shape[0] if sparse: # Use lil_array for operations that change matrix sparsity weights = sp.lil_array((N, N), dtype=float) else: weights = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=float) # First vertex vec1 = points[triangles[:, 1]] - points[triangles[:, 0]] vec2 = points[triangles[:, 2]] - points[triangles[:, 0]] w = 0.5 / np.tan( np.arccos( np.sum(vec1 * vec2, axis=1) / (la.norm(vec1, axis=1) * la.norm(vec2, axis=1)) ) ) weights[triangles[:, 1], triangles[:, 2]] += w weights[triangles[:, 2], triangles[:, 1]] += w # Second vertex vec1 = points[triangles[:, 0]] - points[triangles[:, 1]] vec2 = points[triangles[:, 2]] - points[triangles[:, 1]] w = 0.5 / np.tan( np.arccos( np.sum(vec1 * vec2, axis=1) / (la.norm(vec1, axis=1) * la.norm(vec2, axis=1)) ) ) weights[triangles[:, 0], triangles[:, 2]] += w weights[triangles[:, 2], triangles[:, 0]] += w # Third vertex vec1 = points[triangles[:, 0]] - points[triangles[:, 2]] vec2 = points[triangles[:, 1]] - points[triangles[:, 2]] w = 0.5 / np.tan( np.arccos( np.sum(vec1 * vec2, axis=1) / (la.norm(vec1, axis=1) * la.norm(vec2, axis=1)) ) ) weights[triangles[:, 0], triangles[:, 1]] += w weights[triangles[:, 1], triangles[:, 0]] += w return weights
[docs]def calculate_weights( points: np.ndarray, triangles: np.ndarray, method: str, sparse: bool = True, ) -> Union[np.ndarray, sp.csr_array]: """Returns the weight matrix, calculated using the specified method. Args: points: Shape (n, 2) array of x, y coordinates of vertices. triangles: Shape (m, 3) array of triangle indices. method: Method for calculating the weights. One of: "uniform", "inv_euclidean", or "half_cotangent". sparse: Whether to return a sparse matrix or numpy ndarray. Returns: Shape (n, n) matrix of vertex weights """ method = method.lower() if method == "uniform": # Uniform weights are just the adjacency matrix. return adjacency_matrix(triangles, sparse=sparse).astype(float) if method == "inv_euclidean": return weights_inv_euclidean(points, triangles, sparse=sparse) if method == "half_cotangent": return weights_half_cotangent(points, triangles, sparse=sparse) raise ValueError( f"Unknown method ({method}). " f"Supported methods are 'uniform', 'inv_euclidean', and 'half_cotangent'." )
[docs]def laplace_operator( points: np.ndarray, triangles: np.ndarray, masses: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, weight_method: Literal[ "uniform", "half_cotangent", "inv_euclidean" ] = "half_cotangent", ) -> sp.csr_array: """Laplacian operator for the mesh (sometimes called Laplace-Beltrami operator). The Laplacian operator is defined as ``inv(M) @ L``, where M is the mass matrix and L is the Laplacian matrix. Args: points: Shape (n, 2) array of x, y coordinates of vertices. triangles: Shape (m, 3) array of triangle indices. masses: Pre-computed mass matrix, i.e., the vertex areas. weight_method: Method for calculating the weights. One of: "uniform", "inv_euclidean", or "half_cotangent". Returns: Shape (n, n) Laplacian operator """ # See: # See: if masses is None: from .device.utils import vertex_areas masses = vertex_areas(points, triangles) L = calculate_weights(points, triangles, weight_method, sparse=True) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Changing the sparsity structure") L.setdiag(0) L.setdiag(-L.sum(axis=1)) L = L.tocsr() laplacian = sp.diags(1 / masses, format="csr") @ L return laplacian
[docs]def gradient_triangles( points: np.ndarray, triangles: np.ndarray, areas: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> Tuple[sp.csr_array, sp.csr_array]: """Returns the triangle gradient operators ``Gx`` and ``Gy``. Given a mesh with ``n`` vertices and ``m`` triangles and a scalar field ``f`` defined at the mesh vertices, ``Gx`` and ``Gy`` are shape ``(m, n)`` matrices such that ``Gx @ f`` and ``Gy @ f`` compute the gradients of ``f`` along x and y, evaluated at the triangle centroids. Args: points: Shape (n, 2) array of x, y coordinates of vertices triangles: Shape (m, 3) array of triangle indices _areas: Shape (m, ) array of triangle areas Returns: x and y gradient matrices, both of which have shape ``(m, n)`` """ if areas is None: areas = triangle_areas(points, triangles) # Shape (triangles.shape[0], 3, 2) xy = points[triangles] edges = np.roll(xy, 2, axis=1) - np.roll(xy, 1, axis=1) # Rotate edges clockwise by 90 degrees: # +x --> -y, +y --> +x edges_rot = np.empty_like(edges) edges_rot[:, :, 0] = +edges[:, :, 1] edges_rot[:, :, 1] = -edges[:, :, 0] tri_data = edges_rot / (2 * areas[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) tri_data = tri_data.reshape(-1, 2).T shape = (triangles.shape[0], points.shape[0]) # Row indices: [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, ...] row_ind = np.array([[i] * 3 for i in range(len(triangles))]).ravel() # Column indices: [t[0,0], t[0,1], t[0,2], t[1,0], t[1,1], t[1,2], ...] col_ind = triangles.ravel() Gx = sp.csr_array( (tri_data[0], (row_ind, col_ind)), shape=shape, dtype=float, ) Gy = sp.csr_array( (tri_data[1], (row_ind, col_ind)), shape=shape, dtype=float, ) return Gx, Gy
[docs]def gradient_vertices( points: np.ndarray, triangles: np.ndarray, areas: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> Tuple[sp.csr_array, sp.csr_array]: """Returns the vertex gradient operators ``gx`` and ``gy``. Given a mesh with ``n`` vertices and ``m`` triangles and a scalar field ``f`` defined at the mesh vertices, ``gx`` and ``gy`` are shape ``(n, n)`` matrices such that ``gx @ f`` and ``gy @ f`` compute the gradients of ``f`` along x and y, evaluated at the vertices. The vertex gradient operators are calculated by averaging the the triangle gradient operators over all triangles adjacent to each vertex. Args: points: Shape (n, 2) array of x, y coordinates of vertices triangles: Shape (m, 3) array of triangle indices areas: Shape (m, ) array of triangle areas Returns: x and y gradient matrices, both of which have shape ``(n, n)`` """ if areas is None: areas = triangle_areas(points, triangles) n = len(points) Gx, Gy = gradient_triangles(points, triangles, areas=areas) Gx = Gx.tolil() Gy = Gy.tolil() gx = sp.lil_array((n, n), dtype=float) gy = sp.lil_array((n, n), dtype=float) # This loop is difficult to vectorize because different vertices # have different numbers of adjacent triangles. adj_tri = adj_directed_tri_indices(triangles, n).tolil() for i in range(n): # Triangles adjacent to site i adj = np.array([i]) - 1 # Weight each triangle adjacent to vertex i by its angle at the vertex. vec1 = points[triangles[adj, 1]] - points[triangles[adj, 0]] vec2 = points[triangles[adj, 2]] - points[triangles[adj, 0]] weights = np.arccos( np.einsum("ij, ij -> i", vec1, vec2) / (la.norm(vec1, axis=1) * la.norm(vec2, axis=1)) ) weights /= weights.sum() gx[i, :] = np.einsum("i, ij -> j", weights, Gx[adj, :].toarray()) gy[i, :] = np.einsum("i, ij -> j", weights, Gy[adj, :].toarray()) return gx.asformat("csr"), gy.asformat("csr")
# def gradient_edges( # points: np.ndarray, # edges: np.ndarray, # edge_lengths: np.ndarray, # ) -> sp.csr_array: # """Build the gradient for a function living on the sites onto the edges. # Args: # points: Mesh vertex positions # edges: Mesh edge indices. # edge_lengths: Mesh edge lengths. # Returns: # The gradient matrix. # """ # edge_indices = np.arange(len(edges)) # weights = 1 / edge_lengths # rows = np.concatenate([edge_indices, edge_indices]) # cols = np.concatenate([edges[:, 1], edges[:, 0]]) # values = np.concatenate([weights, -weights]) # return sp.csr_array((values, (rows, cols)), shape=(len(edges), len(points)))