Source code for superscreen.solver.solve

import itertools
import logging
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

import h5py
import numba
import numpy as np
import pint
from tqdm import tqdm

from ..device import Device
from ..solution import FilmSolution, Solution, Vortex
from ..sources import ConstantField
from .solve_film import (
from .utils import FilmInfo, currents_to_floats, field_conversion_factor, make_film_info

logger = logging.getLogger("solve")

@numba.njit(fastmath=True, parallel=True)
def biot_savart_film_to_film(
    film1_sites: np.ndarray,
    film1_z0: float,
    film1_areas: np.ndarray,
    film1_J: np.ndarray,
    film2_sites: np.ndarray,
    film2_z0: np.ndarray,
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Computes the Biot-Savart field at ``film2_sites`` due to sheet current density
    ``film1_J`` flowing in ``film1_sites``.

        film1_sites: Mesh sites for the source film, shape ``(n, 2)``
        film1_z0: z-position of the source film
        film1_areas: Mesh vertex areas for the source film, shape ``(n, )``
        film1_J: Sheet current density in the source film, shape ``(n, 2)``
        film2_sites: Mesh sites for the target film, shape ``(m, 2)``
        film2_z0: z-position of the target film

        The Biot-Savart field at the target film in magnetization-like units, shape ``(m, )``
    assert film1_sites.shape[1] == 2
    assert film2_sites.shape[1] == 2
    assert film1_J.shape[0] == film1_sites.shape[0]
    assert film1_areas.shape[0] == film1_sites.shape[0]
    assert film1_J.shape[1] == 2
    one_over_4pi = 1 / (4 * np.pi)
    minus_three_halves = -3.0 / 2.0
    out = np.empty(film2_sites.shape[0], dtype=film1_J.dtype)
    dz2 = (film2_z0 - film1_z0) ** 2
    for i in numba.prange(film2_sites.shape[0]):
        tmp = 0.0
        for j in range(film1_sites.shape[0]):
            dx = film2_sites[i, 0] - film1_sites[j, 0]
            dy = film2_sites[i, 1] - film1_sites[j, 1]
            tmp += (
                * film1_areas[j]
                * (film1_J[j, 0] * dy - film1_J[j, 1] * dx)
                * (dx**2 + dy**2 + dz2) ** minus_three_halves
        out[i] = tmp
    return out

[docs]@dataclass class FactorizedModel: """A pre-factorized SuperScreen model. Args: device: The :class:`superscreen.Device` film_info: A dict of ``{film_name: FilmInfo}`` film_systems: A dict of ``{film_name: LinearSystem}`` hole_systems: A dict of ``{film_name: {hole_name: LinearSystem}}`` terminal_systems: A dict of ``{film_name: TerminalSystems}`` terminal_currents: A dict of ``{film_name: {terminal_name: terminal_current}}`` circulating_currents: A dict of ``{hole_name: circulating_current}`` vortices: A dict of ``{film_name: vortices}`` current_units: str """ device: Device film_info: Dict[str, FilmInfo] film_systems: Dict[str, LinearSystem] hole_systems: Dict[str, Dict[str, LinearSystem]] terminal_systems: Dict[str, TerminalSystems] terminal_currents: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]] circulating_currents: Dict[str, float] vortices: Dict[str, Sequence[Vortex]] current_units: str
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, h5group: h5py.Group) -> None: """Save a :class:`superscreen.FactorizedModel` to an :class:`h5py.Group`. Args: h5group: The :class:`h5py.Group` in which to save the model """ h5group.attrs["current_units"] = self.current_units self.device.to_hdf5(h5group.create_group("device")) film_info_grp = h5group.create_group("film_info") for film, info in self.film_info.items(): info.to_hdf5(film_info_grp.create_group(film)) film_systems_grp = h5group.create_group("film_systems") for film, system in self.film_systems.items(): system.to_hdf5(film_systems_grp.create_group(film)) hole_systems_grp = h5group.create_group("hole_systems") for film, holes in self.hole_systems.items(): film_grp = hole_systems_grp.create_group(film) for hole, system in holes.items(): system.to_hdf5(film_grp.create_group(hole)) terminal_systems_grp = h5group.create_group("terminal_systems") for film, systems in self.terminal_systems.items(): systems.to_hdf5(terminal_systems_grp.create_group(film)) term_grp = h5group.create_group("terminal_currents") for film, terminals in self.terminal_currents.items(): film_grp = term_grp.create_group(film) film_grp.attrs.update(terminals) circ_grp = h5group.create_group("circulating_currents") circ_grp.attrs.update(self.circulating_currents) vortex_grp = h5group.create_group("vortices") for i, vortex in enumerate(self.vortices): vortex.to_hdf5(vortex_grp.create_group(str(i)))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_hdf5(h5group: h5py.Group) -> "FactorizedModel": """Load a :class:`superscreen.FactorizedModel` from an :class:`h5py.Group`. Args: h5group: The :class:`h5py.Group` from which to load the model Returns: The loaded :class:`superscreen.FactorizedModel` """ current_units = h5group.attrs["current_units"] device = Device.from_hdf5(h5group["device"]) film_info = { film: FilmInfo.from_hdf5(grp) for film, grp in h5group["film_info"].items() } film_systems = { film: LinearSystem.from_hdf5(grp) for film, grp in h5group["film_systems"].items() } hole_systems = {} for film, grp in h5group["hole_systems"].items(): hole_systems[film] = { hole: LinearSystem.from_hdf5(subgrp) for hole, subgrp in grp.items() } terminal_systems = { film: TerminalSystems.from_hdf5(grp) for film, grp in h5group["terminal_systems"].items() } terminal_currents = { film: dict(grp.attrs) for film, grp in h5group["terminal_currents"].items() } circulating_currents = dict(h5group["circulating_currents"].attrs) vortex_grp = h5group["vortices"] vortices = [ Vortex.from_hdf5(vortex_grp[i]) for i in sorted(vortex_grp, key=int) ] return FactorizedModel( device=device, film_info=film_info, film_systems=film_systems, hole_systems=hole_systems, terminal_systems=terminal_systems, terminal_currents=terminal_currents, circulating_currents=circulating_currents, vortices=vortices, current_units=current_units, )
[docs] def set_circulating_currents(self, circulating_currents: Dict[str, float]) -> None: """Set the circulating currents for the model. Args: circulating_currents: A dict of ``{hole_name: current}``, where ``current`` is a float in units of ``self.current_units``. """ diff = set(circulating_currents) - set(self.device.holes) if diff: raise KeyError( "circulating_currents contains keys not in" f" self.device.holes: {list(diff)!r}" ) self.circulating_currents = circulating_currents.copy() holes_by_film = self.device.holes_by_film() for film_name, film_info in self.film_info.items(): holes = [ for hole in holes_by_film[film_name]] film_info.circulating_currents = {} for hole, current in self.circulating_currents.items(): if hole in holes: film_info.circulating_currents[hole] = current
[docs]def factorize_model( *, device: Device, current_units: str, terminal_currents: Optional[ Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[float, str, pint.Quantity]]] ] = None, circulating_currents: Optional[Dict[str, Union[float, str, pint.Quantity]]] = None, vortices: Optional[Sequence[Vortex]] = None, ) -> FactorizedModel: """Prepares the applied field-indepdendent portions of the model, including factorizing the linear system describing each film and hole. Args: device: The :class:`superscreen.Device` to simulate. current_units: Units to use for current quantities. The applied field will be converted to units of [current_units / device.length_units]. terminal_currents: A dict like ``{film_name: {source_name: source_current}}`` for each film and terminal. circulating_currents: A dict of ``{hole_name: circulating_current}``. If circulating_current is a float, then it is assumed to be in units of current_units. If circulating_current is a string, then it is converted to a pint.Quantity. vortices: A list of :class:`superscreen.Vortex` objects located in the :class:`superscreen.Device`. Returns: A :class:`superscreen.FactorizedModel` instance that can be used to solve the model. """ ureg = device.ureg circulating_currents = circulating_currents or {} circulating_currents = currents_to_floats(circulating_currents, ureg, current_units) terminal_currents = terminal_currents or {} terminal_currents = { film_name: currents_to_floats(currents, ureg, current_units) for film_name, currents in terminal_currents.items() } for film_name, currents in terminal_currents.items(): if sum(currents.values()): raise ValueError( f"Terminal currents in film {film_name!r} are not conserved." ) vortices = vortices or [] film_info = make_film_info( device=device, vortices=vortices, circulating_currents=circulating_currents, terminal_currents=terminal_currents, ) # Factorize linear systems for all films and holes. film_systems, hole_systems, terminal_systems = factorize_linear_systems( device, film_info ) return FactorizedModel( device, film_info, film_systems, hole_systems, terminal_systems, terminal_currents, circulating_currents, vortices, current_units, )
[docs]def solve( device: Optional[Device] = None, *, model: Optional[FactorizedModel] = None, applied_field: Optional[Callable] = None, terminal_currents: Optional[ Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[float, str, pint.Quantity]]] ] = None, circulating_currents: Optional[Dict[str, Union[float, str, pint.Quantity]]] = None, vortices: Optional[Sequence[Vortex]] = None, field_units: str = "mT", current_units: str = "uA", check_inversion: bool = False, iterations: int = 0, return_solutions: bool = True, save_path: Optional[os.PathLike] = None, log_level: Optional[int] = None, progress_bar: bool = True, _solver: str = "superscreen.solve", ) -> List[Solution]: """Computes the stream functions and magnetic fields for all layers in a ``Device``. The simulation strategy is: 1. Compute the stream functions and fields for each film given only the applied field. 2. If iterations > 1 and there are multiple films, then for each film, calculate the screening field from all other films and recompute the stream function and fields based on the sum of the applied field and the screening fields from all other films. 3. Repeat step 2 (iterations - 1) times. Args: device: The Device to simulate. Required if ``model`` is not provided. model: A :class:`superscreen.FactorizedModel` instance. applied_field: A callable that computes the applied magnetic field as a function of x, y, z coordinates. terminal_currents: A dict like ``{film_name: {source_name: source_current}}`` for each film and terminal. circulating_currents: A dict of ``{hole_name: circulating_current}``. If circulating_current is a float, then it is assumed to be in units of current_units. If circulating_current is a string, then it is converted to a pint.Quantity. vortices: A list of Vortex objects located in the Device. field_units: Units of the applied field. Can either be magnetic field H or magnetic flux density B = mu0 * H. current_units: Units to use for current quantities. The applied field will be converted to units of [current_units / device.length_units]. check_inversion: Whether to verify the accuracy of the matrix inversion. iterations: Number of times to compute the interactions between layers. return_solutions: Whether to return a list of Solution objects. save_path: Path to an HDF5 file in which to save the results. log_level: Logging level to use, if any. progress_bar: Show a progress bar for self-consistent iterations. _solver: Name of the solver method used. Returns: If ``return_solutions`` is True, returns a list of Solutions of length ``iterations + 1``. """ if log_level is not None: logging.basicConfig(level=log_level) if model is None: if device is None: raise ValueError("Either a model or a device must be provided.")"Factorizing model.") model = factorize_model( device=device, current_units=current_units, terminal_currents=terminal_currents, circulating_currents=circulating_currents, vortices=vortices, ) else: if ( device is not None or terminal_currents is not None or circulating_currents is not None or vortices is not None ): raise ValueError( "If model argument is provided, device, terminal_currents," " circulating_currents, and vortices must be None." ) if current_units is not None and current_units != model.current_units: logger.warning( "Keyword argument 'current_units' is ignored when " "a factorized model is provided. " f"Using model.current_units = {model.current_units!r}" ) if not isinstance(model, FactorizedModel): raise TypeError( f"model must be an instance of FactorizedModel (got {type(model)})." ) device = model.device film_info = model.film_info film_systems = model.film_systems hole_systems = model.hole_systems terminal_systems = model.terminal_systems terminal_currents = model.terminal_currents circulating_currents = model.circulating_currents vortices = model.vortices current_units = model.current_units if not device.meshes: raise ValueError( "The device does not have a mesh. Call device.make_mesh() to generate it." ) dtype = device.solve_dtype ureg = device.ureg length_units = device.length_units meshes = device.meshes applied_field = applied_field or ConstantField(0) field_conversion = field_conversion_factor( field_units, current_units, length_units=length_units, ureg=ureg, ) logger.debug( f"Conversion factor from {ureg(field_units).units:~P} to " f"{ureg(current_units) / ureg(length_units):~P}: {field_conversion:~P}." ) applied_fields = {} for film, mesh in meshes.items(): layer = device.layers[film_info[film].layer] z0 = layer.z0 * np.ones(len(mesh.sites)) # Units: current_units / device.length_units Hz_applied = np.squeeze( applied_field(mesh.sites[:, 0], mesh.sites[:, 1], z0) * field_conversion.magnitude ).astype(dtype, copy=False) if Hz_applied.ndim != 1: raise ValueError( "Expected applied_field to return a 1D vector," f" got a {Hz_applied.shape[1]}D vector." ) applied_fields[film] = Hz_applied # Vortex flux in magnetization-like units, # i.e. H * area as opposed to B * area = mu_0 * H * area. # ([current] / [length]) * [length]^2 = [current] * [length] vortex_flux = ureg("Phi_0 / mu_0").to(f"{current_units} * {length_units}") vortex_flux = vortex_flux.magnitude solution_kwargs = dict( applied_field_func=applied_field, field_units=field_units, current_units=current_units, circulating_currents=circulating_currents, terminal_currents=terminal_currents, vortices=vortices, solver=_solver, ) solutions: List[Solution] = [] film_solutions: Dict[str, FilmSolution] = {} # Compute the stream functions and fields for each film # given only the applied field. for film_name in device.films:"Calculating {film_name!r} response to applied field.") film_solutions[film_name] = solve_film( device=device, applied_field=applied_fields[film_name], field_from_other_films=None, film_system=film_systems[film_name], hole_systems=hole_systems[film_name], film_info=film_info[film_name], field_conversion=field_conversion.magnitude, vortex_flux=vortex_flux, terminal_systems=terminal_systems.get(film_name, None), check_inversion=check_inversion, ) solution = Solution(device=device, film_solutions=film_solutions, **solution_kwargs) if save_path is not None: with h5py.File(save_path, "x") as h5file: # Save device in the root group. Solutions from all iterations # will reference the device with an h5py.SoftLink. device.to_hdf5(h5file.create_group("device")) solution.to_hdf5(h5file.create_group(str(0)), device_path="/device") if return_solutions: solutions.append(solution) else: del solution if len(device.films) < 2 or iterations < 1: if return_solutions: return solutions return for i in tqdm( range(iterations), desc="Solver iterations", disable=(not progress_bar) ): # Calculate the screening fields at each layer from every other layer other_screening_fields = { name: np.zeros(len(mesh.sites), dtype=dtype) for name, mesh in meshes.items() } for source_film, film in itertools.product(device.films, repeat=2): if film == source_film: continue layer = device.layers[film_info[film].layer] other_layer = device.layers[film_info[source_film].layer] logger.debug( f"Calculating screening field at {film!r} " f"from {source_film!r} ({i+1}/{iterations})." ) other_screening_fields[film] += biot_savart_film_to_film( film1_sites=meshes[source_film].sites, film1_z0=other_layer.z0, film1_areas=film_info[source_film].weights, film1_J=film_solutions[source_film].current_density, film2_sites=meshes[film].sites, film2_z0=layer.z0, ) # Solve again with the screening fields from all films. # Calculate applied fields only once per iteration. film_solutions = {} for film_name, film in device.films.items(): logger.debug( f"Calculating {film_name!r} response to applied field and " f"screening field from other films ({i+1}/{iterations})." ) film_solutions[film_name] = solve_film( device=device, applied_field=applied_fields[film_name], field_from_other_films=other_screening_fields[film_name], film_system=film_systems[film_name], hole_systems=hole_systems[film_name], film_info=film_info[film_name], field_conversion=field_conversion.magnitude, vortex_flux=vortex_flux, terminal_systems=terminal_systems.get(film_name, None), check_inversion=check_inversion, ) solution = Solution( device=device, film_solutions=film_solutions, **solution_kwargs ) if save_path is not None: with h5py.File(save_path, "r+") as h5file: solution.to_hdf5(h5file.create_group(str(i + 1)), device_path="/device") if return_solutions: solutions.append(solution) else: del solution if return_solutions: return solutions